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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Malaysia subsidies is a con job

From an email forward:

Subject: Fwd: The Man that Serves Najib Tun Razak
Date: Saturday, 26 November, 2011, 13:34

7 mil for 27 mil population.  ?  and the rest goes elsewhere

The Man that Serves Najib Tun RazakUntil 2 weeks ago, 98% Malaysians were under the apprehension that precious resources of this country is being wasted on subsidy.
The main man behind the dissemination of this information is the esteem CEO of PEMANDU (equivalent to a Minister without a Portfolio in the Cabinet), Mr Idris Jala.
He had given a list of subsidies that has been paid out by the government totalling RM74 billion. A staggering sum considering Malaysia being a small nation.
Idris went on to say that should we fail to cut these subsidies, Malaysia will turn into a bankrupt nation by 2019.
The plan is to spread fear of seeing our children eating from garbage cans and sleeping on the streets among the electorate so as to create a mood among the people to accept painful cuts and increase in prices.
Many Malaysians swallowed this bait hook, line and sinker. Many have changed their minds about getting angry with the government for raising the price of petrol. In short, Idris's con has begun to work.
Suddenly, in a budget discussion presented by visiting associate professor Subramaniam Pillay, the truth came out.
True to the saying, "The Truth Shall Set You Free", every Malaysians felt liberated by Subra's presentation.
It turns out, the RM74billion figure quoted by Idris is nothing more than a storyline made by a con men to con people.
Half of RM74 billion (RM40 billion) actually goes into spending on Education and Health. Hardly a form of subsidy by any standard considering Health and Education is the responsibility of the government.
Idris was trying to sell government spending as a form of subdidy. Idris knows that in order to make space for one form of government spending, one is forced not to spend on another spending.
In short, in order to continue spending RM40 billion on healthcare and spending, the government will have to cut spending on other items. Naturally, this will upset the UMNO cronies and UMNOPUTRAs because it will definitely result in the rapid deflation of their respective wallets.
So, the ingenious way of cutting this item is masking it as subsidy and tell the people that subsidy is bad.Another good point made by Subramaniam is the subsidy on fossil fuel.
THe total subsidy spent on Fossil Fuel is RMRM23.5bil
What Idris Jala conveniently left out is the one little detail about the majority of this subsidy going to the IPP. Out of RM23.5 billion, only RM7 billion goes to the people. The rest goes to UMNO cronies and UMNOPUTRA in the form of Independent Power Producers(IPP).
Idris also failed to mention the fact that ALL of the RM4.6billion subsidy for infrastructure goes to HIGHWAY CONCESSIONAIRES. It's not a secret that ALL HIGHWAY concessionaires are UMNO's CRONIES. So, essentially, UMNO is subsidizing their cronies.
In short, the bulk of the actual subsidies goes to UMNO's cronies in the form of Highway concessionaires and IPP Producers. We, the people, only get a small portion of the subsidies which has to be shared among the 27 million people.
Idris Jala is nothing more than a con-man, doing the bidding of his master, Najib TUn Razak, of course for a hefty rewards.
Thank god we have the internet, for the internet helped us to see lies like this very quickly.
Tulang Besi.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

NGO’s in 6 countries wants Sarawak’s Taib Mahmud arrested

Sarawak has been called the corrupt UMNO/BN’s fixed deposit (vote bank) as Sarawak’s Chief Minister has plundered the state and now have massive financial means to corrupt other leaders and to buy votes plus use his money to ensure the the poor Sarawak’s voters ends up voting for him and his cronies such as hiring all the boats and helicopters come election time to deny the opposition access to the interiors where the poor dependent and somewhat ignorant (real news kept from them) lives.

Will Najib heeds their call? Not likely as he depends on Taib to keep himself in power plus he too has too many skeletons to hide in the cupboard. Below a post from Malaysiakini to keep as many Malaysians informed as possible

Arrest Taib and 13 family members, M'sia told

11:10AM Dec 13, 2011

NGOs based in six countries want Malaysia to arrest the Sarawak chief minister and 13 of his family members for ‘abuse of public office, corruption and conspiracy to form a criminal organisation’, among other accusations.
The groups include Bruno Manser Fund (BMF), Greenpeace and forest watch organisation Fern.
The full set of their allegations in the 10-page letter covers:

  • Illegal appropriation of public funds;
  • Abuse of public office;
  • Illegal appropriation of state land;
  • Fraud, larceny and corruption;
  • Systematic exploitation of conflicts of interest;
  • Suspected money-laundering; and
  • Conspiracy to form a criminal organisation.
NONEThe letter, dated today, is being sent to the Attorney-General’s Chambers, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and the inspector-general of police.
“We are calling Malaysia’s top prosecutors to immediately arrest and criminally prosecute (Abdul Taib Mahmud), his four children, his eight siblings and his first cousin, Abdul Hamed Sepawi,” said the NGOs based in  Malaysia, Australia, Germany, Japan, Switzerland and the UK.
Three NGOS from Sarawak - Borneo Resources Institute Sarawak, The Network for Native Land Rights and the Sibu-based Institute for Development of Alternative Living - have endorsed the letter
NONETaib’s children were named as Jamilah Hamidah (left), Mahmud Abu Beki, Sulaiman Abdul Rahman and Hanifah Hajar.
His siblings were identified as Ibrahim, Aisah Zainab, Zaleha, Onn Mohamad Alí, Mohd Tufail, Amar Hajar Fredahanum and Raziah.
Copies of the letter are being sent to all major foreign embassies in Malaysia, heads of government, cabinet ministers and prosecutors in seven countries, the top executives of 10 multinational corporations who conduct business in or with Sarawak and editors of leading media outlets.
The letter is includes 16 exhibits that are said to document the accusations against the Taib family.
Research by the BMF has shown that Taib and his immediate family members have a stake in 332 Malaysian and 85 foreign companies worth several billion US dollars.
The known family stake in the net assets of 14 large Malaysian companies alone exceeds US$1.46 billion.
"We allege that only the systematic breach of the law and the use of illegal methods have enabled Taib and his family members to acquire such massive corporate assets," the letter alleges.
"Taib has been a state-paid public servant and government minister ever since 1963 and did not possess any significant independent assets prior to taking up office."
Alleged money trail
The letter gives three examples of family-controlled Malaysian companies said to have been favoured by Taib as chief minister - Cahya Mata Sarawak, Achi Jaya Holdings and Ta Ann Holdings.
azlanCahya Mata Sarawak is said to hold a monopoly on cement production in Sarawak; Achi Jaya Holdings is said to hold a monopoly on timber export licences; and Ta Ann Holdings has allegedly been granted more than 675,000ha of timber and plantation concessions without public tender.
The family is also said to be behind property companies in Canada (Sakto Corporation, City Gate International Corporation and others), in the UK (Ridgeford Properties Ltd), in the US (Wallysons Inc, Sakti International Corporation and others) and is also said to be closely linked to at least 22 companies in Australia.
Other companies, such as Regent Star and Richfold Investments in Hong Kong, are allegedly linked to a multi-million dollar kickbacks scheme uncovered by Japanese tax investigators.
The NGOs state that "the criminal nature of Taib and his family members' 'private' businesses can no longer be denied by anyone who is intellectually honest, desirous of seeing the truth and interested in the good of the Malaysian people and, in particular, the people of Sarawak".
"We would like to remind you that Malaysia, as a signatory to the UN Convention against corruption and the UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, has a strong international obligation to fight corruption and organised crime in an efficient, timely and expedient manner", they add in the letter.
Taib is already facing investigations in Malaysia and abroad following allegations that profits from timber industries in Sarawak have been used to enrich family-owned companies.
However Taib and other family members have consistently denied specific claims made about them.

Malays should know what UMNO has done to them and the country

Malaysia is a multiracial, multi-religious and multi-culture country and had long had pretense to harmonious racial and religious relationship. However, simmering beneath the calm surface potential for much interracial conflicts especially during this period when UMNO's grasp on power is being challenged and the only way UMNO has to combat this is to play the racial and religious cards.

The original UMNO which can be credited in helping many Malays eased into various professions and the middle class especially prior to this monster UMNO Baru created by Mahathir has used this Malay Supremacy thing to benefit themselves to a far greater extend than the average Malays and has actually made the Malays weaker and afraid of competition. However, it is not for the non-Malays to tell this to the Malay mass. It has to be left to another Malay to tell it as it is for it to be more believable and Hussein Hamid of SteadyAku47 in a long post Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia? ...dream on ! to state it as it is and hopefully his message will reach the Malay mass to begin to see UMNO and its rabid politicians as it is:

I was in Singapore the last few days for work. Have not been to Singapore for over 20 years. The driver of the taxi that drove me from the airport to my hotel was Malay. On the ride to the hotel he pointed out that all the land along the coast that was now fully developed was reclaimed land. He said that Singapore could no longer buy sand from Indonesia or Malaysia – so Singapore now buys its sand from Vietnam. He suggested that maybe the Malaysian government should consider letting Singapore mine all the sand it needed from the Pahang and Perak river so that floods would not occur as frequently as they do now – this way Singapore would have their sand and Malaysia gets two strikes against Singapore: Payment for the sand and flood prevention! I quietly smiled at his logic. If only our politicians could think that clearly!

At night I would watch TV as I ate dinner and what I saw on Singapore TV gave me some explanation as to why Malaysia is so far behind Singapore. No I am not just talking about the physical aspect of development where a comparison between the two countries would be an exercise in futility: Where would you begin? From Changi airport, the taxis I took, the buses and trains that I used to the presence of a city confident in its growth and secure of its place globally, Singapore is everything that Malaysia is not!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

NFC CEO and Directors salary

The NFC (National Feedlot Corporation) got a RM250 fund from the UMNO/BN government to start a project to reduce the dependence of the country on imported beef. The NFC CEO is Sharizat Jalil's husband and their directors are the couple's children. Do you know what are their salaries like for running a failed project on the public's money?

CEO: RM100,000 per month
Eldest son age 31: RM45,000 per month
Second son age 27: RM35,000 per month
Third son age 25: RM35,000 per month
Total salary per month RM215,000 per month

Total salary per year: RM2.58 million for running a failed project on yours and my money,

"Dengar cerita CEO NFC (suami Sharizat) dpt gaji 100k sebulan, anak sulung (age 31) dpt gaji 45k sebulan, anak kedua (age 27)dpt 35k sebulan, anak ketiga (age 25) dpt 35k sebulan. Jika ini betul, ia sesungguhnya memalukan. Ambil duit rakyat buat bayar gaji besar.
Anak saya pun graduate juga. UPSR, PMR, SPM dapat semua A. Umur 24 tahun. Kerja swasta. Dia pun work hard. Balik kerja paling awal jam 9 malam. Kadang2 sampai 1 pagi. Gaji dia RM2,700/sebulan. Adakah anak saya akan sokong BN/UMNO kalau begini keadaannya? Saya dah tahu jawapannya. UMNO tak boleh kelentong orang cerdik. UMNO is not capable of changing, not with the current leaders.
When more than 50% of our working population is earning less than RM2k/month, tak tahu malu ke mereka-mereka ini. Merompak siang dan malam, 7 hari seminggu. Perompak Ali Baba P Ramli pun ada cuti hujung minggu.
8 December 2011 15:12

Source: A Single Spark that starts the prairie fire?

Friday, December 9, 2011

Voter registration Sunday 11 December 2011

Please share! Register2vote this Sunday, 11 Dec, 9am-2pm at:
Perlis: Pertubuhan Buddhist Perlis, Kangar
Kedah: Malaysia Hindu Sangam, Sungai Petani
Penang: M'sia Buddhist Association, Jalan Burmah, Georgetown
Perak: M'sian Hindu Sangam, Jalan Lumut (Ipoh), Tokong Hock Soon Keong (Teluk Intan), SMK Perempuan Perak (Ipoh)
Kelantan: Kelantan Buddhist Association, Kota Bharu
N. Sembilan: Punjabi Language Centre, Gurdwara Sahib, Seremban
Malacca: St Peter Church, Jln Bendahara
Johor: Sacred Heart Church (Taman Sri Tebrau, JB) & Carrefour (Batu Pahat)
Pahang: Malaysia Hindu Sangam, Jalan Beringin, Mentakab
Selangor: Gurdwara Sahib, P. Jaya
KL: Maha Vihara Brickfields

ABU (Anything but UMNO) launched

Below is the video clip of the launching of ABU (Asalkan Bukan UMNO or Anything but UMNO) by Badrul Hisham and Haris Ibrahim taken from New group ABU gangs up against Umno:

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

List of wanton waste by UMNO/BN

Want to know how much the corrupt and incompetent UMNO/BN. Here is a list in progress compiled by Hussein Hamid of SteadyAku47 and still increasing:


1. PKFZ RM12bill

2. Submarine RM500mil

3. Sime Darby RM964mil

4. Paya Indah Westland RM88mil

5. Posmalaysia (transmile) RM230mil lost

6. Eurocopter deal RM1bil waste?

7. Terengganu Stadium Collapsed RM292mil

8. MRR2 repair cost RM70mil

9. Maybank Overpay for BII RM4bil

10. Tourism -NYY kickback RM10mil

11. 3 paintings bought by MAS— RM1.5M

12. Overpayment by Sport Ministry——- RM8.4M

13. London 's white elephant sports complex —-

      RM 70M

14. MRR2 Repairs————————RM 70M

15. MATRADE repairs —————RM120M

16. Cost of new plane used by PM——RM 200M

17. InventQ irrecoverable debt ——RM 228M

18. Compensation for killing crooked bridge —–

      RM 257M

20. Lost in selling Augusta ———— RM 510M

21. Worth of AP given out in a year ——RM 1.8B

22. Submarines (future Muzium Negara artifacts)-

      RM 4.1B

23. PSC Naval dockyard ————RM 6.75B

24. The Bank Bumiputra twin scandals in the early

      1980s saw US$1 billion (RM3.2 billion in 2008


25. The Maminco attempt to corner the world tin

       market in the 1980s is believed to have cost

      some US$500 million.(RM1.6 billion)

26. Betting in foreign exchange futures cost Bank

      Negara Malaysia RM30 billion in the 1990s.

27. Perwaja Steel resulted in losses of US$800

      million (RM2.56 billion).

28. Use of RM10 billion public funds in the

       Valuecap Sdn. Bhd. operation to shore up the

       stock market

29. Banking scandal of RM700 million losses in

      Bank Islam

30. The sale of M.V. Agusta by Proton for one Euro   
      making a loss of €75.99 million(RM 348 million)

31. Wang Ehsan from oil royalty on Terengganu

      RM7.4 billion from 2004 – 2007

32. For the past 10 years since Philharmonic

      Orchestra was established, this orchestra has

      swallowed a total of RM500 million.Hiring a

      kwai-lo CEO with salary of more than RM1 M

      per annum !!

33. In Advisors Fees, Mahathir was paid

      RM180,000, Shahrizat AbdulJalil (women and

      social development affairs) RM404,726 and

      Abdul HamidOthman (religious) RM549,675 per


34. The government has spent a total of RM3.2

       billion in teaching Maths and Science in English

       over the past five years. Out of the amount, the

      government paid a whopping RM2.21 billion for

      the purchase of information and computer

      technology (ICT) equipments which it is unable

      to give a breakdown. Govt paid more than RM6k

      per notebook vs per market price of less than

      RM3k through some new consortiums that

      setup just to transact the notebook deal. There

      was no math & science content for the teachers

      and the notebooks are all with the teachers'

      children now.

35. The commission paid for purchase of jets and

       submarines to two private companies

       Perimeker Sdn Bhd and IMT Defence Sdn Bhd

       amounted toRM910 million.

36. RM300 million to compensate Gerbang

      Perdana for the RM1.1 billion "Crooked Scenic


37.RM1.3 billion have been wasted building the

      white elephant Customs, Immigration and

      Quarantine (CIQ) facilities on cancellation of the

      Malaysia-Singapore scenic bridge.

38. RM 100 million on renovation of Parliament

      building and leaks.

39. National Astronaut Programme – RM 40 million.

40. National Service Training Programme – yearly

      an estimate of RM 500 million.

41. Eye on Malaysia – RM 30 million and another

      RM5.7 million of free ticket.

42. RM 2.4 million on indelible ink.

43. Samy announced in September 2006 that the

      government paid compensation amounting to

      RM 38.5 billion to 20 highway companies.

      RM380 million windfalls for 9 toll concessionaires
      earned solely from the toll hike in 2008 alone.

44. RM32 million timber export kickbacks involving

      companies connected to Sarawak Chief

      Minister and his family.

45. Two bailouts of  Malaysia Airline System RM7.9

      billion. At atime when MAS incurring losses

      every year, RM1.55 million used to buy three

      paintings to decorate its chairman's (Munir)


46. Putra transport system bailout which cost

      RM4.486 billion.

47. STAR-LRT bailout costing RM3.256 billion.

48. National Sewerage System bailout costing

      RM192.54 million.

49. Seremban-Port Dickson Highway bailout

      costing RM142 million.

50. Kuching Prison bailout costing RM135 million.

51. Kajian Makanan dan Gunaan Orang Islam

      bailout costing RM8.3 million.

52. Le Tour de Langkawi bailout costing RM 3.5


53. Wholesale distribution of tens of millions of

      shares in BursaMalaysia under guise of NEP to

      cronies, children and relatives of BN leaders

      and Ministers worth billions of ringgits.

54. Alienation of tens of thousands of hectares of

      commercial lands and forestry concessions to

      children and relatives of BN leaders and

      Ministers worth tens of billions of ringgits.

55. Since 1997, Petronas has handed out a

      staggering 30 billion ringgit in natural gas

      subsidies to IPPs who were making huge

      profits.In addition, there were much wastages

      and forward trading of Petronas oil in the 1990s

      based on the low price of oil then. Since the

      accounts of Petronas are for the eyes of Prime

      Minister only, we have absolutely no idea of the


56. RM5700 for a car jack worth RM50

57. Government-owned vehicle consumed a tank of

      petrol worth RM113 within a few minutes

58. A pole platform that cost RM990 was bought

      for RM30,000

59. A thumbdrive that cost RM90 was bought for


60. A cabinet that cost RM1,500 was bought for


61. A flashlight that cost RM35 was bought for


62. Expenses for 1 Malaysia campaign paid to


63. RM17 billion subsidy to IPP

64. USD24 million diamond ring for Ro$mah ---

      cancellation of order -- how much

      compensation? PLUS $M$ HANDBAGS!!

65. Cattle/Cow gate by family of Sharizat RM250


Monday, December 5, 2011

Peaceful Assembly Bill 2011 mala fide

Definition of mala fide:Adjective: In bad faith; with intent to deceive.

The PA Bill (Peaceful Assembly Bill) 2011 which was passed through the Parliament with such obscene haste had not only been vigorously opposed by lawyers (Malaysia Bar), civil societies and activist has now been tagged as mala fide by no less than former senior investigating police officer and former Kuala Lumpur CID chief Mat Zain Ibrahim.

Mat Zain Ibrahim: "I question Najib’s motive in tabling the bill and having it passed speedily in the face of so many people objecting to it."

“Is it to stop protests and peaceful demonstrations over his own misconduct and abuse of power amongst his or senior officials of the government’s administration, past and present?

More from Malaysiakini: Peaceful Assembly Bill mala fide, says ex top cop

Parasitic UMNO and its members

Below is a post reproduced from Hussien Hamid of SteadyAku47, a prolific blogger commenting on matters affecting Malaysia. In this post, he talks about the leaches in UMNO plus what UMNO is doing to the Malays. This is a must read for Malays especially those in the rural communities. So hope you will read it, absorb it and spread it far and wide:

NINA in UMNO. No Income, No Assets but RICH
steadyaku47 comment: Saw this in Maran Matters..started reading it and realised that I wrote it sometime back...thought it still relevant here it is again! I got a kick reading it enjoy!

In UMNO there are many Malays who have become rich without working for it, without any business acumen and without any brains! 

In UMNO there are many Malays who have been given lucrative business opportunities without any financial risks for them. These are fail-safe cash cows with an iron clad money back guarantee - the government buys it back from you at a premium – not IF you fail but WHEN you fail! But here is where UMNO has failed these Malays.

Tajuddin Ramli, Amin Shah, Halim Saad…

These are the top of the heap of failed Malay ‘businessmen’ who epitomize those who benefited from selective government patronage and became part of the culture of greed now infused into many Malay consciousness. These individuals have been given every assistance, every fail- safe option to succeed. And yet they fail.

And then there are those like Mahathir’s son, Mirzan: whose ‘businesses’ have been kept afloat by billions of ringgits belonging to the people and this son of Mahathir considers himself a businessman of considerable abilities - the new rich Malays. Malays who are multi millionaires riding on the back of UMNO and the people’s money. But at least this son makes a show of running a business empire- a diverse conglomerate that covers a range of activities – mostly legal! But come on lah….what business empire?Given the breaks he has had, even a monkey can live in clover without ever running out of bananas for the rest of his life!
Then we have Malays like the late Zakaria Deros, Muhammad Taib, Isa Samad, Shahidan Kassim and of course the infamous Khir Toyo.
These are the scums of the earth. They do not even have the intelligence or decency to hide the wealth that they have stolen from the very people who have voted to put them in power. The hastiness in which Khir Toyo had proceeded to display his stolen wealth after losing office fills most of us with stomach wrenching disgust. But these are the people that UMNO has chosen to be leaders within UMNO.

But what is most damaging to the Malays are the many thousands of Malays who have been taught that money can be got by abusing the trust placed in them by other Malays.
A Ketua Cawangan gets a contract to build a primary school in his “kawasan”. Without any knowledge of business he is given a business opportunity way beyond his capacity to manage. All he knows is that he has to get someone… just about anyone…. who will take the contract off his hands and give him a handsome commission. He makes the 20% to 50% commission off the contract price. It does not concern him if the contract is successfully completed or not – what matters is how much he will make as commission from that contract – after all he has already spent the advance given to him by JKR to start the contract. To him this is a good way of doing business.And so UMNO teaches a Malay to do business without having any knowledge of the business that he does, without any working capital, without risks and certainly without any brains to be able to better himself by this business opportunity given to him by UMNO. While all this is going on the wheeling and dealing is most intense in thecorridors of power. 
In Putrajaya and in the Government Ministries. Not only by the Minister himself but also by all his staff – anybody and everybody with access to the Minister will make their money. In Agriculture, Defense, Education, Trade, Energy, Water and Communication and the mother of all Ministries, The Ministry of Finance. And do not forget the Government Agencies and anywhere else a ringgit can be made. Hell there are money to be made even in Rela and the Anti-drugs Agency!
All this orgy of making money makes these Malays cash rich. Wine, women and song…big cars, nice clothes are easy enough habits to acquire but it does not teach them how to keep the money or how to use the money to make more money. And their ability to make money remains as long as their Minister stays a Minister – so make hay while the sun shines!
And so what does it do to these Malays? They become parasites. Parasite: “Somebody who lives off the generosity of others and does nothing in return” What they earn is not enough to keep them in the lifestyle that they want to live up to and so they take from us. While we have to live on the wages we earn UMNO eagerly opens up many sources of illegal income for those that pledge allegiance to the party.
These Malays are regarded by most Malays as the worst of the blight that UMNO has caused to the Malay race. The presence of these Malays makes real all that UMNO leaders have been saying about the Malays. That the Malays need to be spoon fed, that the Malays are unable to compete on a level playing field with the other races, that the Malays will always need Ketuanan Melayu or they will be no more Malays left in their own country! This is certainly true of the Malays in UMNO but not of the Malays outside UMNO!
I shudder to think of what the future will hold for these people. Where will they go and how will they survive when UMNO is out of government?We see a bit of the future for these people in the likes of Ibrahim and Mahathir
They know nothing but politics. Without politics they do not have a life…….even when they are past 80. But there are no more places for them within UMNO. And so we see them do what they do now and they become a pain to us in a place where the sun does not shine! Just think of the negative impact it will have on the country when this scenario is repeated thousand of times at various levels after the next generalelections when UMNO is ousted!
The way things are for UMNO they know it would be a mistake to send a message to the other races that UMNO only looks after their own – but what choice do they have?
What we need to understand is that UMNO has a fragmented political reality with real power residing outside cabinet. The extent to which this power is exercised will depend on the Prime Minister of the day.
Our history will show us that Tunku, Hussein Onn and Abdullah Badawi left office because of circumstances beyond their control. Circumstance created by those outside government but within UMNO. A weak PM like Najib will surrender power to this faction, or for the lack of a better word, to these warlords as and when dictated to do so.
Because UMNO has been identified with the Malays, UMNO’s problem is the Malay problem. UMNO’s crisis is a Malay crisis. And UMNO’s solution to their problem will also be a Malay solution. UMNO wants to lead but its ability to lead will depend on whether their intention to change is sincere. Whether it can be backed by positive change in the face of opposition from the powerful forces within UMNO that wants to maintain its present status quo. I think not. UMNO is deceit. UMNO is greed. UMNO is not our future!
As the Chinese says :“The harsh winter is gone and spring is around the corner”
….I think that spring is indeed around the corner for all of us. We await the 13th general Election with much impatience!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sharizat refused to respond to questions regarding NFC

What is wrong with Malaysia when tiny or non-irregularities are investigated and right or wrong, the party involved is prosecuted and persecuted for alleged minor offence like the infamous Teoh Beng Hock death incidence.

However, allegations of the improper use of the RM250 million to the NFC (National Feedlot Corporation) being given the the family of Sharizat allegedly being abused, like the funds being used for personal expenses, Umrah (pilgrimage) and holidays by Sharizat and family, purchased of high end condominiums and Putrajaya land are glossed and not given any explanation by Sharizat and the allegations are not denied. Worse, the irregularities are deemed non-criminal by the Police.

So what is wrong with this country? It is time for a regime change but change will not be easy to come.

Article below contributed by Malaysiakini: Sharizat unmooooved by questions about NFC.:

Shahrizat 'un-moooved' by questions on NFC

2:12PM Dec 1, 2011

Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil today refused comment on the over the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) fiasco, just a day after delivering a fiery speech condemning her critics on the subject.
At a press conference today after Umno president Najib Abdul Razak's policy speech at the Umno annual general assembly, Shahrizat was asked if she was a party to the cabinet's decision to approve the NFC project.
NONETo this, Shahrizat raised her eyebrow, shook her head lightly and waved her right hand to indicate that she will not respond to that question.

Instead, Shahrizat gave her response to Umno president Najib Abdul Razak's policy address and hurriedly left the press conference, ignoring further queries from the press.

Yesterday, Shahrizat had condemned her critics for attacking her and her family over the NFC project, which was highlighted in the Auditor-General's Report 2010.

Shahrizat avoiding press

The project was awarded to a company owned by Shahrizat's family in 2007 under Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's administration when Shahrizat was a serving cabinet minister.

NONEIn her speech at the Wanita Umno AGM yesterday, Shahrizat said the NFC project had nothing to do with her.

Her critics, primarily PKR, had claimed NFC had abused a RM250 million soft loan to purchase luxury condominiums and funded oversea trips.

Just hours after Shahrizat's speech, PKR hurled fresh allegationson the NFC, accusing the company of abusing funds to buy land in the administrative capital of Putrajaya and a luxury car.

Following this, the normally affable and chatty Shahrizat did not call for any press conferences after her speech yesterday. In contrast, her Youth wing counterparty Khairy Jamaluddin met reporters twice.

DPM, KJ mum

At another press conference earlier today, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, who has been backing Shahrizat thus far, declined comment on PKR's fresh allegations.
"I don't hope that the opposition will praise us. We work hard, they don't praise us; We do the right thing, they also don't praise us. It has become a norm to us," he said.
NONEKhairy, who had wrote a long article in defence of the NFC project, too refused comment on the fresh allegations.
"I have not had a chance (to talk to her on the matter)," he told a separate press conference this morning.
Former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, when met at the sidelines of the AGM, said Shahrizat is capable of assessing whether the issue will cause damage to Umno.
Asked if she should resign, Mahathir replied: "I don't know".