Dr. Lee Chong Meng's name has recently been hitting the headlines, but the one that really caught my attention is this article in Malaysiakini that reported that after having successfully applying for membership and now successfully elected as PKR Bukit Bintang Division head, he had been exposed as also being a member of the eunach MCA.
Dr. Lee Chong Meng has himself described himself as Doctor Ayam (Chicken Doctor with the chicken having the negative connotation of prostitute). BTW he sure looks a bit like that King Frog Ibrahim Ali (see photo below, courtesy of Malaysiakini):
The complete picture has not been revealed yet but I sure hope that Dr. Ayam does not become the Chinese version of Ibrahim Ali.
More photos:
Me, anyone who demonstrate against the BERSIH Rally for free and fair elections will definitely raise my suspicion. How did such a Doctor Ayam not only get admitted to a reform minded PKR but also got elected unopposed as Bukit Bintang division chief?
Update: Related articles from Malaysiakini's archive:
MCA senator objects to Bersih rally because of money
MCA senator objects to Bersih rally because of money
'Dr Ayam' suffers Chinese guild setback in Bkt Bintang
BN Bukit Bintang candidate Dr Lee Chong Meng was made to eat humble pie last night at the Chinese New Year dinner hosted by the Selangor and Federal Territory Char Yong Association.
Perils of parachuting into KL seats
'Parachute candidates' who land in any of the 11 parliamentary seats in Kuala Lumpur could well be on a suicide mission, according to veteran MCA politician Dr Lee Chong Meng.
Related posts about Dr. Lee Chong Meng (Doctor Ayam or Doctor of Prostitutes):
Video Clips and Photos of BERSIH rally [Penasihat kepada 80 pertubuhan dan NGO terbabit, Datuk Dr Lee Chong Meng, berkata perhimpunan itu bukan saja menyebabkan kerugian dan kesusahan kepada peniaga, malah membantutkan usaha kerajaan menarik pelancong asing ke negara ini sempena Tahun Melawat Malaysia (TMM 2007).]
Lulu's Thank You Letter To Mr Policeman [Senator Lee Chong Meng [you know, the MCA chairman for Bukit Bintang, who could not win an election via the ballot box, but still managed to serve part of a term as MP there due to a court decision] may hold another hotel protest with his Jalan Alor traders and blame you for the drop in sales this weekend.]
Anti-Bersih Rally Protest – Dr Ayam & Bukit Bintang MCA Gang & 40 NGOs mainly Traders; Another M-C-A Money Controls All inspired initiative [Malaysiakini would not have cover this cheap MCA inspired protest against the Bersih Rally and neither would Al Jazeera waste their time. The latest related Malaysiakin story is on]
At this stage of my life I try as much as possible to steer away from stupidity and avoid it
like a plague stupid homo sapiens. I can take it when animals act stupid. But stupidity in men and women gets on my goat. I have a very high tolerance for things provocative, intimidating, even seditious,.... even malicious, but never stupidity! So what got on my goat? That Dr. Ayam (above).
This from Bernama:
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 25 (Bernama) -- Barisan Nasional (BN) candidate for Bukit Bintang parliamentary seat, Datuk Dr Lee Chong Meng, has urged voters to give him a chance to show what the BN government could do to benefit them.
Damn....you got your chance when you were given BB against all rules by that now ousted CJ, whats his name? You became MP because that fairy...or whatever his name is, gave it to you without a by-election. I can take sluggishness, but not sloppiness that resulted in you losing to a used-car dealer who cannot string two sentences in English and Bahasa together to wake up those sleepy-head MPs and the chief honcho.
Damn, we gave the BN close to 50 years and we are still deeper into the pits. The BN government had fifty years and who are you to ask to give you a chance to show what the bN government could do to benefit the rakyat? What cockmamie drivel are you driving at. You lost to the dealer?
"I have been working hard in this constituency for 15 years trying to influence voters to switch their support to BN.
Well, that little finger with the extended nail (false, a BB Ah Moi manicurist product) didn't help you for fifteen years and you want another chance. My mother threatened me that if I could not complete a simple task in her kitchen she was willing to sell me at a loss, and here you are asking for another chance. Pack your bags and go examine more chickens.
"They already gave DAP 11 chances. I think it would be fair if they give BN a chance this time around," he said.
That is unaduterated chicken shit.
"With just 12 days of campaigning to go, I expect the votes to increase to 51 percent to enable me to wrest back the hot seat from the DAP," he said.
That is what will now be known as a cheap (chick) dream.
Dr Lee said he expected about 49 percent popular votes for now from a total of 61,051 voters.
Hello, Nostradamas was a hoax and he was on exotic grass everytime he made a prediction, if you must know. I know, but I can't tell you....it is a Barisan Rakyat preserve.
At this stage of my life I try as much as possible to steer away from stupidity and avoid it
like a plague stupid homo sapiens. I can take it when animals act stupid. But stupidity in men and women gets on my goat. I have a very high tolerance for things provocative, intimidating, even seditious,.... even malicious, but never stupidity! So what got on my goat? That Dr. Ayam (above).
This from Bernama:
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 25 (Bernama) -- Barisan Nasional (BN) candidate for Bukit Bintang parliamentary seat, Datuk Dr Lee Chong Meng, has urged voters to give him a chance to show what the BN government could do to benefit them.
Damn....you got your chance when you were given BB against all rules by that now ousted CJ, whats his name? You became MP because that fairy...or whatever his name is, gave it to you without a by-election. I can take sluggishness, but not sloppiness that resulted in you losing to a used-car dealer who cannot string two sentences in English and Bahasa together to wake up those sleepy-head MPs and the chief honcho.
Damn, we gave the BN close to 50 years and we are still deeper into the pits. The BN government had fifty years and who are you to ask to give you a chance to show what the bN government could do to benefit the rakyat? What cockmamie drivel are you driving at. You lost to the dealer?
"I have been working hard in this constituency for 15 years trying to influence voters to switch their support to BN.
Well, that little finger with the extended nail (false, a BB Ah Moi manicurist product) didn't help you for fifteen years and you want another chance. My mother threatened me that if I could not complete a simple task in her kitchen she was willing to sell me at a loss, and here you are asking for another chance. Pack your bags and go examine more chickens.
"They already gave DAP 11 chances. I think it would be fair if they give BN a chance this time around," he said.
That is unaduterated chicken shit.
"With just 12 days of campaigning to go, I expect the votes to increase to 51 percent to enable me to wrest back the hot seat from the DAP," he said.
That is what will now be known as a cheap (chick) dream.
Dr Lee said he expected about 49 percent popular votes for now from a total of 61,051 voters.
Hello, Nostradamas was a hoax and he was on exotic grass everytime he made a prediction, if you must know. I know, but I can't tell you....it is a Barisan Rakyat preserve.
BERSIH: Photos of BERSIH rally
Exander Says (a commentator):
November 17th, 2007 at 1:26 pm
Demonstrasi jejas perniagaan
Demonstrasi haram Gabungan Pilihan Raya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih) di persekitaran Dataran Merdeka dan Masjid Jamek Sabtu lalu, menyebabkan pengusaha dan peniaga pelbagai sektor di sekitar kawasan berdekatan menanggung kerugian berjuta-juta ringgit.
Perhimpunan yang menyaksikan ramai anggota polis terpaksa dikerah mengawal keadaan, turut menjejaskan industri pelancongan, khususnya di ibu negara dengan kawasan Bukit Bintang menerima kesan teruk.
Berikutan itu, pemimpin dan wakil 80 pertubuhan pengusaha dan peniaga serta badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) lain sekitar Bukit Bintang semalam mengadakan bantahan bagi menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati terhadap perhimpunan berkenaan.
Penasihat kepada 80 pertubuhan dan NGO terbabit, Datuk Dr Lee Chong Meng, berkata perhimpunan itu bukan saja menyebabkan kerugian dan kesusahan kepada peniaga, malah membantutkan usaha kerajaan menarik pelancong asing ke negara ini sempena Tahun Melawat Malaysia (TMM 2007).
“Kami sedih perhimpunan itu menyebabkan banyak kedai di kawasan Bukit Bintang iaitu kawasan nukleus di ibu negara terpaksa ditutup sekurang-kurangnya separuh hari, jalan sesak, hotel dan pusat perniagaan kosong.
“Persatuan pengusaha hotel memaklumkan ada tempahan menginap dibatalkan pelancong dari China, Korea dan Hong Kong berikutan kejadian itu, selain ejen pelancongan tempatan menerima banyak pertanyaan daripada ejen pelancongan asing mengenai keadaan di ibu negara.
“Oleh itu, kita adakan sesi ini untuk maklumkan kepada parti politik tertentu supaya jangan buat kacau.
“Kami berharap perhimpunan haram seperti ini tidak berlaku lagi, cukuplah kerana ia menjejaskan perniagaan,” katanya pada sidang media di sebuah restoran di Jalan Pudu, semalam.
Perhimpunan itu disertai hampir 100 pemimpin dan ahli persatuan mewakili peniaga, pengusaha dan pemborong barangan harian, pakaian, kedai kopi, restoran, hotel, agensi pelancongan, teksi dan sektor Rukun Tetangga.
Pelbagai sepanduk termasuk tertera ‘Rakyat Malaysia Bukan Hooligan’, ‘Rakyat Malaysia Tolak Demonstrasi Jalanan’ dan ‘Kami Menyokong Pelancongan’ dibawa pada perhimpunan itu.
Wakil pemborong pakaian, Tan Hooi Weng, berkata kerugian dialami beratus-ratus pemilik pusat fesyen di Jalan Merlimau dan Jalan Kenanga mampu mencecah antara RM3 hingga RM4 juta.
“Perhimpunan itu menyebabkan kami kerugian besar. Bayangkan ada pengusaha mampu meraih jualan sehingga RM30,000 tetapi pada hari itu (perhimpunan haram diadakan) kosong, tiada pelanggan,” katanya.
Beberapa wakil pertubuhan lain turut mengakui perhimpunan menyebabkan mereka menanggung kerugian kerana terpaksa menutup premis lebih awal dan kurang pelanggan.
So BERSIH…Fikirlah sendiri yo!!!!!! Jangan Jadi Bangang, Bodoh, Dungu!!!!
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2007: Lulu's Thank You Letter To Mr Policeman
Dear Mr Policeman,
Thank you for your work in keeping our city safe by setting up round-the-clock roadblocks in the Klang Valley as part of crime-prevention activities.
Some papers like the meanie Star & NST and even Malaysiakini have said that you said that this is in connection with the Hindraf rally planned for this Sunday outside the British High Comm on Jalan Ampang.
Lulu thinks that the "Hindraf rally" excuse was a cover up to your real intention, which is to catch the perpertrators involved in the slashing of our nation's second hero, Malaysian angkasawan Mej Dr Faiz Khaleed.
Brilliant, Mr Policeman, absolutely brilliant to lay a red herring.
Like you, Lulu was shocked and appaled to hear that two parang-wielding men attacked him during a robbery leaving him with a 5cm slash wound which requires 100 stitches . [are you puzzled like Lulu about how they can squeeze 100 stitches into a 5cm wound?]
Anyway, like you, Lulu wants to have those men caught before they inflict these kind of injuries on another person.
Yes, Mr Policeman, we need those roadblocks to weed out bad hats from entering the city.
Lulu thinks that you're absolutely brilliant in hoodwinking everyone into believing that you are out to stop the Hindraf rally which as Lulu has mentioned before, was planned for this Sunday outside the British High Comm on Jalan Ampang. This will proabably cause those parang-wielding men to drop their guard, and as a result, be nabbed by you.
Mr Policeman,
Lulu also read you urged the public not to enter Kuala Lumpur during the weekend if they do not have any urgent matters to attend to.
Mr Policeman,
Senator Lee Chong Meng [you know, the MCA chairman for Bukit Bintang, who could not win an election via the ballot box, but still managed to serve part of a term as MP there due to a court decision] may hold another hotel protest with his Jalan Alor traders and blame you for the drop in sales this weekend.
Mr Policeman,
Lulu hopes you will be strong and not cry.
Whilst Lulu is still on being strong and not cry, there are moments when you need to cry. If you are still grieving over the police force's lack in making any headway in the gruesome murder of Nurin Jazlin, Lulu's advice for you is to cry. Cry your heart out. Look at your own children, and cry your heart out again. Then resolve to find the killer(s) behind her horrible death.
oh, Mr Policeman,
This chap here looks a ruffian and a troublemaker. Definetly looks like a "crime prevention" clean-up candidate.
Whether he is or not, that is our own personal view.
But Mr Policeman, you must let him through even if he looks like that because he is the PM's son-in-law. Lulu don't want to see you transferred or demoted.
thank you Mr Policeman.
Lulu loves you xxx
p/s don't tell Mrs Policeman about this. She may not understand.
Anti-Bersih Rally Protest – Dr Ayam & Bukit Bintang MCA Gang & 40 NGOs mainly Traders; Another M-C-A Money Controls All inspired initiative
Malaysiakini would not have cover this cheap MCA inspired protest against the Bersih Rally and neither would Al Jazeera waste their time. The latest related Malaysiakin story is on
King: No royal support for Bersih rally (see also Below)
and Malaysiakini.tv spot on It's a bad joke: Lee's counsel
= = == = == =
ABOVE: The historical moment, the crowd that was prevented into the Istana Grounds at about 4pm on Saturday Nov 10 2007.
It is hilarious to know that Dr Ayam ex-MP of Bukit Bintang Dr Lee Chong Meng is leading the Protest against the Bersih Rally claiming that it is “bad business” for traders. Did the Bersih Rally march went through the Bukit Bintang areas that he has reasons to complain? They know protest is illegal and they did not bother to apply for a permit to march around Bukit Bintang to show their displeasure. What and how did they protest? They went to a hotel had the placards and standing behind that MCA man - issued a statement condemning the Bersih Rally initiative - indoor style.
ABOVE & BELOW: Not in Bukit Bintang
Reading at the MCA controlled STAR’s account below & the NST, you can see the exaggerations used adding as usual the “salt & fire” to spice up that story. The reports says 80 NGOs and they rattled off just a few whilst the TV station says 40 NGOs. Some traders complained of the “losses” which were just for a day perhaps or was it just a postponement of business. The sacrifices & “losses” for the over 30,000 who came some from afar is much greater and all for a larger cause than these money moneyed china man which Raja Petra has so aptly and timely put it as:-
“Chinese must think of cari makan first. Chinese must protect their rice bowl. Chinese want to make sure that their business does not suffer so they must become running dogs of the Umno Malays. It’s all about money, money, money. Money comes first. Money calls the shots. M-C-A; Money Controls All.”
Now that a Royal Commison is instituted on the Lingam Video Clip and this Dr Ayam is the result of the “fixing of judgment” mentioned, they should go into his case of being rewarded the “MP of Bukit Bintang”. Retrogressively, his MP status should be taken away and deny the pension that he is enjoying.
ABOVE - Indoor Style Protest - holding the placards and standing behind that MCA man - issued a statement condemning the Bersih Rally initiative
= = == == = ==and the STAR account supporting Dr Ayam
Saturday November 17, 2007; Star
Traders and taxi drivers lament losses due to Nov 10 rally
ABOVE: Dr Lee the ex-MP (who lost to Wee Choo Keong in the Election) but was "fixed" by the retired Chief Justice and awarded the MP post; more popularly known as Dr Ayam, being the advisor to the Poultry Dealers Association and not the "kei lo" advisor to the Chinaman "ayam (kei)" in the notorious BB red light areas.And BELOW - the 40 NGOs and not 80s as in the STAR & NST.
KUALA LUMPUR: On weekends and public holidays, Beh Hock Heng’s dim sum restaurant on Jalan Alor is always packed but last Saturday’s illegal gathering caused him to lose thousands of ringgit as customers stayed away. The 65-year-old owner is furious, saying some customers could not come because of the massive traffic jam while others chose to stay indoors. “Even tourists, who often frequent my restaurant from the nearby hotels, refused to come out as they feared for their safety because of the demonstration,” he said. Beh was among a group of businessmen and representatives from 80 non-governmental organisations who attended a press conference yesterday in protest against the gathering.
The NGOs included the Kuala Lumpur Taxi Drivers Association, Federation of Malaysia Entertainment Associations, Jalan Alor Hawkers Association and Rukun Tetangga Pudu. Holding up placards, written in Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese and Tamil, the group complained that their businesses had been affected by the gathering. Taxi operator Leong Aw said taxi drivers lost much business because of the illegal gathering, saying it drove tourists away when they saw thousands of demonstrators in the streets of Kuala Lumpur. “The Government is promoting Visit Malaysia 2007 which will help us make money, especially during this festive season. Such a gathering is not part of the Malaysian culture,” he said. Bukit Bintang MCA division chairman Datuk Dr Lee Chong Meng said he was informed by hoteliers that many tour groups, especially from China, had cancelled their visit because of media reports on the protest. “We hope there will be no more protests because in the run-up to Hari Raya Haji, Christmas and Chinese New Year, a lot of activities are being planned in Bukit Bintang. We cannot afford to suffer any more losses,” he said.
= = == and from Raja Petra “15/11/07: MCA: the Malay running dog” emphasizing Dr Ayam’s "moneyed minded" problems.
This is not the first time The Star has distorted the news. One day before the 30 October 2007 Conference of Rulers, The Star reported that the Rulers will be discussing the extension of the Chief Justice’s term of office. One day after the Conference of Rulers, Bernama carried an announcement by the Keeper of the Royal Seal that the Rulers did not even touch on the subject. His Majesty, The Agong, a week before that, had rejected the extension of the Chief Justice’s tenure and that was enough for the Rulers. They supported what The Agong had decided and saw no reason for further raising the matter or to discuss it at the Conference. Anyway, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi refuses to accept defeat. He still wants to get in the last word and show the Rulers who is boss. It appears like Penang may soon get a new Governor in the form of the recently-retired Chief Justice. I did say that the position of Governor is reserved for those who have no other place to go and this assumption will soon be proven beyond any shadow of doubt.
The Star, which is MCA-owned, and therefore can be interpreted as ‘Chinese’ since MCA claims to be the legitimate party representing Chinese interests, has also strengthened something else which I have been saying many times in the past: and that is the Chinese, in particular the MCA Chinese, are Umno’s running dogs. Yes, the Chinese are very upset. They condemn the present government as the ‘Malay’ government. They accuse the ‘Malays’ of screwing up the country. They refer to the government as ‘Islam-Malays’. But from where I am sitting it looks like it is the MCA Chinese and not the Malays who are Umno’s running dogs.
So, the Chinese are very upset. Yeah, sure they are very upset. They are very upset with the Malays. They are very upset because the Malays are running this country. They are very upset because the Malays are screwing up this country. Then why are they the running dogs of the Umno Malays? Yeah, sure, I know. They have no choice but to become the running dogs of the Umno Malays. Chinese are a minority.
Chinese must think of "cari makan" first. Chinese must protect their rice bowl. Chinese want to make sure that their business does not suffer so they must become running dogs of the Umno Malays. It’s all about money, money, money. Money comes first. Money calls the shots. M-C-A; Money Controls All.
No problem then. If money is the overriding factor and if money decides what you must do then do it. Be that Umno Malay running dog if you so wish and if that will guarantee you a good and prosperous future. I have no problem with that. But stop blaming the Malays for the ills of this nation. Stop blaming the Malays when this country goes to the dogs. The reason this country is going to the dogs is because you are the running dog, not because of the Malays.
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