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Saturday, April 21, 2012

UBAH - PR's election campaign theme song & lyrics

Lyrics of PR (Pakatan Rakyat) theme song UBAH (Change)

Negara-ku, Tanggungjawab Bersama
Masa Depan, Milik Kita Semua
Jalan berliku, tentu mencabar
Bersama kita harungi

Orang muda, pikul harapan bangsa
Mara Depan, Negara tentu Cerah
Kuat semangat, kita berjuang
Bersama menuju, cita-cita rakyat

Ubah, Selamatkanlah Malaysia
Bersama pahatkan sejarah
Buka lembaran baru
Sama-sama kita menuju
perubahan di tangan mu


Together, we share the responsibilty for our Country,
The Future is ours too to share.
The winding road is indeed a challenge,
but together we shall overcome.

Young people, you bear the hope of the nation,
Let's forge ahead for a brighter future .
With deep fervour, we shall strive
together towards the goals of our people.

Change ! Save Malaysia !
Together we shall chisel away
to begin a new chapter in our history!
Let us strive forward together -
You hold the promise of change in your hand.

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