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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Malaysiakini free: Ahmad Maslan's May 13 tweet misfires

Many free to read Malaysiakini articles today, and here is one more: Ahmad Maslan's May 13 tweet misfires.

Ahmad Maslan tweeted "Today is May 13. In 1969, I was three-years-old. We hope and pray that the bloody episode (peristiwa berdarah) never happens again," and got brickbats in return. Some of them:

Nazri_fahmi tweeted "Incident could recur if the current leadership continues to turn its back on the people."

@bullet_gov tweeted "May 13 would not happen again if there are excellent ministers, but if we get those (ministers) who are 'bangang (stupid)', there would be chaos in the country".

Hop over to Malaysiakini and read the rest for yourself.

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