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Friday, November 18, 2022

GE15: EcGE15: Government aid, economy are priorities for Malaysian voters

0:00 foreign 0:45 foreign 1:18 foreign 1:27 I look at my priorities I still have 1:30 bills to pay I still have rent to pay I 1:34 still have uh my career up ahead and I 1:36 still need to look for a job 1:38 so I would vote for anybody that could 1:41 give us stability in this case so some 1:43 of the key economic issues Malaysia is 1:46 facing is obviously the rising inflation 1:48 rates 1:49 um High Cost of Living our currency is 1:51 also depreciating and or is unstable so 1:54 cost of living will definitely be 1:56 something that the new government will 1:57 have to focus on in fact we already see 1:59 it in some of the manifestos being 2:01 presented so I think it will be a key 2:03 consideration for all political parties 2:06 especially in preparation for next year 2:08 where we see already companies preparing 2:10 to lay off or fire their staff to ensure 2:14 that they are managing their Finance as 2:16 well so the government will have to 2:18 figure out what would be some of the 2:20 employment or you know unemployment 2:23 benefits that the people should get in 2:24 preparation for more difficult times 2:26 ahead 2:42 foreign 2:43 for people to have political fatigue 2:46 right now with the current situation of 2:47 political instability however that 2:51 should not discourage you 2:53 to not be involved in policy to not vote 2:55 it should actually further drives you to 2:58 vote there was a lack of policies in 3:01 terms of political literacy so that's 3:03 why 3:04 a week me personally I think that the 3:07 youth itself has the responsibility in 3:10 educating ourselves to be involved in 3:14 politics to be more aware of politics we 3:17 approach election day the intention of 3:20 ordinary voters to come up to vote that 3:23 seems to be increasing and I think this 3:25 is spread by a few things number one 3:28 voters feel that it's an important 3:31 election that they should not miss 3:32 particularly young people who are voting 3:34 for the first time they do want to go 3:36 out and make their mark 3:39

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