No to ISA (Internal Security Act) Assembly or Anti-ISA March:
Saturday 1st August 2009
Assembly Points:
Sogo, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman
Masjid Jamek, Jalan Tun Perak
Masjid Negara, Jalan Kinabalu
Penting! Panduan bagi peserta perhimpunan aman Mansuhkan ISA
Himpunan Mansuhkan ISA pada 1 Ogos 2009 di Kuala Lumpur bakal mencipta sejarahnya yang tersendiri selepas Himpunan Bersih dan PPSMI. Uniknya pada hari yang sama akan ada satu lagi himpunan lain yang Menyokong ISA.
Kami menjangkakan pelbagai kaum akan muncul, pelbagai ideologi akan hadir, pelbagai agama dan kepercayaan akan berhimpun untuk menyatakan pandangan mereka khususnya dalam mendesak Kerajaan Memansuhkan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA).
Oleh itu bagi melancarkan perhimpunan ini, pihak kami mengeluarkan satu garis panduan yang diharapkan dapat membantu anda dan kami diperingkat penganjur dalam memastikan perhimpunan ini dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan aman.
Perkara yang perlu anda bawa/sediakan
1. Kad pengenalan, lesen memandu, satu kad ATM sahaja.
2. Duit-maksimum RM 100 sahaja.
3. Memakai pakaian yang sopan-Baju berwarna Hitam/Merah- Sebaiknya ada logo Mansuhkan ISA
4. Setiap peserta diwajibkan memakai kasut.
5. Aksesori kempen-Button, riben, topi, kopiah arm band, bendera kecil, banner dan placard yang ada Logo atau Slogan Mansuhkan ISA boleh digunakan.
6. Bendera Malaysia atau negeri masing-masing.
7. Air mineral, sedikit makanan ringan atau gula-gula.
8. Sedikit garam-ia penting dan boleh dimakan sedikit (bukan sapu dimuka) bagi mengembalikan tenaga terutamanya jika Pihak Polis sembur air dari Water Canon atau Gas pemedih mata.
9. Kain tuala kecil basah untuk tutup mata dan hidung untuk elak terkena gas pemedih mata.
10. Digalakkan memakai penutup mulut dan hidung jenis N100 Respirator, N95 Respirator dan Surgical facemask untuk mengelak penularan wabak Influenza H1N1 dan juga menghindarkan sedutan gas pemedih mata yang melampau.
11. Jika anda mempunyai asma atau alahan sila bawa inhaler atau ubat sendiri.
12. Sila bawa beg plastik sampah kecil bagi mengelakkan anda membuang sampah merata-rata.
13. Sila bawa pen dan kertas (mini note pad) bagi mencatat nama dan no. pengenalan Polis atau perkara-perkara yang mencurigakan.
14. Jangan lupa bawa kamera, video cam atau handphone berkamera bagi merakamkan suasana himpunan - gambar-gambar atau klip video boleh dihantar kepada kami selepas himpunan di email Setiausaha GMI-enalini_ elumalai@ Alamat email ini telah dilindungi dari spam bots, anda perlukan Javascript enabled untuk melihatnya untuk rekod dan disiarkan.
Perkara yang tidak dibenarkan
1. Jangan bawa kad matrik pelajar bagi student atau pass kakitangan bagi pekerja Kerajaan dan Swasta.
2. Jangan bawa terlalu banyak wang atau kad kreadit untuk elakkan penyeluk saku, tercicir atau hilang semasa perhimpunan atau ditahan.
3. Jangan memakai pakaian yang menjolok mata dan tidak sopan.
4. Jangan memakai selipar, kasut tumit tinggi atau sandal untuk memudahkan pergerakkan.
5. Jangan memakai kain atau skirt, digalakkan memakai seluar.
6. Jangan memakai barang kemas atau aksesori yang tiada kaitan dengan kempen mansuhkan ISA
7. Jangan bawa sebarang banner, placard, bendera yang melambangkan logo parti dan organisasi.
8. Sebarang slogan yang tiada kaitan dengan Kempen Mansuhkan ISA tidak dibenarkan.
9. Jangan bawa sebarang benda tajam kecuali pen.
10. Jangan bawa bahan-bahan yang boleh meletup atau mudah terbakar seperti, mancis, molotov cocktail dan mercun.
11. Tidak dibenarkan merokok semasa perhimpunan kerana akan menganggu orang lain.
12. Jangan bawa sebarang senjata seperti kayu, besi, rantai besi, pistol dan yang merbahaya.
13. Bagi yang membawa anak-anak, anda tidak dibenarkan membawa permainan yang berupa seperti senjata seperti pistol, senapang atau pisau mainan.
14. Jangan bawa anak-anak yang berumur 10 tahun ke bawah bagi mengelakkan sebarang masalah.
Perkara yang perlu anda lakukan sebelum perhimpunan
1. Servis kenderaan dan periksa peralatan yang perlu dibawa.
2. Jangan makan atau minum terlalu banyak sebelum perhimpunan.
3. Pastikan anda telah menunaikan 'hajat' sebelum memasuki perhimpunan.
4. Bagi yang Islam, Lakukanlah solat taubat dan hajat, semoga Allah berkati perhimpunan ini dan yang bukan Islam boleh berdoa mengikut ritual masing-masing.
5. Pastikan anda telah mengunci rumah atau meninggalkan pesanan-pesanan penting kepada keluarga atau jiran anda yang tidak pergi perhimpunan.
6. Maklumkan mereka tujuan anda keluar.
7. Maklumkan mereka nombor telefon sahabat lain yang bersama anda jika handphone anda tidak dapat dihubungi nanti.
8. Jangan lupa charge bateri handphone dan kamera.
9. Pastikan anda berniat kerana Allah (bagi yang muslim) sebelum keluar rumah.
10. Pastikan anda tahu arah tuju anda iaitu tempat berkumpul yang ditetapkan; Sogo, Masjid Jamek, atau Masjid Negara.
11. Pastikan anda datang awal untuk elakkan kesesakan jalan raya atau terpaksa berbaris panjang untuk beli tiket tren LRT atau Komuter.
12. Datang secara berkumpulan, jangan bersendirian.
13. Sekiranya perjalanan anda dihalang dari memasuki pusat bandar anda boleh meletakkan kenderaan dan berjalan kaki ke Sogo, Masjid Jamek, atau Masjid Negara (Jangan terus ke Istana Negara bersendirian) .
14. Jangan memakai baju Mansuhkan ISA sebelum perhimpunan bermula.
Semasa perhimpunan dan perarakan
1. Berkumpul di tempat pertemuan yang ditetapkan (Sogo, Masjid Jamek, atau Masjid Negara) dan tunggu arahan dari Field Commander yang dilantik.
2. Ikutilah arahan dari Unit Amal atau Field Commander sepanjang program. Jangan pedulikan arahan lain tanpa merujuk kepada Field Commander.
3. Jangan berganjak dari tempat perhimpunan melainkan dengan arahan Field Commander.
4. Laporkan pada Unit Amal bertugas jika terlihat sesuatu yang mencurigakan.
5. Jangan tolak menolak sepanjang perhimpunan dan perarakan.
6. Elakkan mencerca, memaki hamun atau menunjukkan isyarat lucah semasa perhimpunan berlaku.
7. Raikan perhimpunan ini dengan aman dan harmoni.
8. Pastikan anda memberikan keutamaan laluan kepada kenderaan yang lalu lalang dan tidak melintas sesuka hati dijalanraya.
9. Pastikan anda memberikan keutamaan, membantu dan melindungi warga emas, orang kurang upaya atau kanak-kanak yang hadir bersama.
10. Maklumkan sahabat anda jika anda ingin keluar dari perhimpunan disebabkan hal kecemasan atau kerana ingin ke tandas bagi mengelakan masalah lain.
11. Pastikan anda dapat duduk semasa pimpinan berucap.
12. Pastikan anda tidak bersembang semasa pimpinan berucap kerana kemungkinan bunyi sound system akan tenggelam dengan suara ratusan ribu peserta.
13. Ikutilah laungan pimpinan jika perlu.
14. Pegang bendera Malaysia atau negeri anda sepanjang perarakan.
15. Jangan buang sampah merata-rata sepanjang perhimpunan. Masukan dalam beg plastik yang anda bawa.
16. Rakamkan suasana himpunan - gambar-gambar atau klip video boleh dihantar kepada kami selepas himpunan di email Setiausaha GMI-enalini_ elumalai@ Alamat email ini telah dilindungi dari spam bots, anda perlukan Javascript enabled untuk melihatnya untuk rekod dan disiarkan.
17. Kalau boleh rakamkan sekali wajah-wajah polis yang bertugas atau tragedi-tragedi penting seperti keganasan atau provokasi Polis jika ada.
Selepas perhimpunan
1. Pastikan anda bersurai secara perlahan-lahan dan dengan aman selepas diberikan arahan bersurai.
2. Pastikan sahabat atau saudara dan anak-anak anda ada bersama selepas perhimpunan. Jika tiada, sila datang ke Pejabat Agung PAS untuk membuat laporan dengan Unit Amal bertugas.
3. Jika ada sahabat atau saudara anda ditahan, jangan terus balik. Dapatkan maklumat di Pejabat Agung PAS atau ke Balai Polis berkaitan untuk bebaskan mereka.
4. Jangan tinggalkan apa-apa sampah ditempat perhimpunan. Pastikan semuanya dibuang ke tong sampah atau dibawa balik dan dibuang dirumah.
5. Berikan ucapan terima kasih kepada pasukan Keselamatan bertugas jika perhimpunan berjalan lancar.
6. Jangan lupa sebarkan gambar dan berita perhimpunan kepada semua sahabat-sahabat terutamanya yang tidak hadir. Segala info dan maklumat bolehlah diemailkan kepada kami di email Setiausaha GMI-enalini_ elumalai@
Apa anda perlu buat jika kumpulan Pro-ISA buat Provokasi
1. Jangan pedulikan mereka, diam dan teruskan mengikut arahan Field Commander Unit Amal.
2. Jangan menyahut provokasi mereka, jangan baling apa-apa, jangan tunjukkan isyarat apa-apa pada mereka. Anggap mereka tidak wujud pada hari berkenaan.
3. Jangan hampiri mereka.
4. Jika mereka bertindak agreasif secara tiba-tiba, tahan, jangan pukul tetapi serahkan mereka pada pihak Polis.
5. Jangan lupa buat laporan Polis terhadap mereka jika anda dicederakan atau diganggu.
6. Buat rakaman wajah-wajah mereka jika perlu.
Apa anda perlu buat jika polis buat provokasi dan serbuan
1. Jangan lari atau keluar dari perhimpunan melainkan dengan arahan pimpinan, anda akan mudah ditangkap jika keluar dahulu.
2. Jangan bersendirian, pastikan anda bergandingan tangan dan berdiri rapat-rapat bila polis acah nak buat serbuan atau tembakan water canon.
3. Duduk jika pimpinan arahkan.
4. Basahkan tuala anda dengan sedikit air, dan tekup dimuka bila gas pemedih mata dilepaskan. Basuh muka anda dengan air dan makan sedikit garam jika terkena air water canon berwarna kuning.
5. Jangan melawan atau cuba bertikam lidah dengan polis bila mereka provoke…hanya diamkan diri.
6. Ambil gambar mereka jika sempat.
7. Buat laporan Polis jika anda dikasari.
Apa yang anda perlu buat jika ditahan
1. Jangan banyak cakap dengan polis. Diamkan dan tenangkan diri.
2. Minta nama dan nombor polis yang menahan anda dan tanya dia sebab anda ditahan, seksyen berapa yang digunakan.
3. Berikan maklumat asas sahaja jika diminta seperti nama, no kad pengenalan, alamat rumah (berikan ikut alamat dalam IC sahaja).
4. Jika mereka tanya soal pekerjaan, jawap yang ringkas sahaja. Jangan bagi maklumat yang lengkap.
5. Bagi pelajar, jika mereka tanya anda masih belajar atau tidak, anda hanya perlu jawab "Masih tengah cari kerja" atau berikan jawapan lain yang sesuai. Elakkan mengaku sebagai student. Biar mereka siasat sendiri jika mereka perlukan maklumat lanjut. Jangan jawab soalan yang tidak perlu.
6. Bagi kakitangan Kerajaan jika mereka tanya tempat kerja anda, jawab ”Saya kerja swasta atau kerja sendiri”. Biar mereka siasat sendiri jika mereka perlukan maklumat lanjut. Jangan jawab soalan yang tidak perlu.
7. Minta berjumpa dengan peguam sebelum beri apa-apa keterangan. Peguam akan menunggu diluar balai jika anda ditahan.
8. Kalau boleh jangan beri terlalu banyak keterangan, anda hanya perlu jawab "saya akan bagi keterangan di Mahkamah sahaja". Ingat! Apa yang anda cakap di Balai Polis boleh dijadikan bahan bukti di Mahkamah. Anda berhak untuk tidak memberikan sebarang keterangan kepada Polis melainkan di Mahkamah.
9. Semasa ditahan, jangan pedulikan provokasi polis atau jangan mudah cair bila mereka berlembut.
10. Pastikan anda ingat semua yang berlaku, termasuklah pegawai polis yang tahan dan soal siasat anda.
11. Jangan terlalu risau kerana, diluar balai telah disediakan orang-orang yang akan jamin dan bela anda.
Apa yang anda buat selepas dibebaskan
1. Pastikan semua barang-barang anda dikembalikan oleh Polis.
2. Buat pemeriksaan kesihatan jika ada kecederaan.
3. Buat laporan Polis jika anda dikasari semasa perhimpunan atau semasa ditahan.
4. Ceritakan dan rakamkan pada peguam dan media jika anda dianiaya polis.
5. Jangan lupa catatkan semua yang anda ingat bila balik ke rumah untuk memudahkan anda mengingatinya bila dibawa ke Mahkamah kelak.
6. Pastikan anda ingat dan ambil nombor perhubungan orang yang jamin anda dan juga peguam yang terlibat.
7. Serahkan pada peguam segala maklumat dan gambar yang anda ada tentang himpunan bagi memudahkan pembelaan.
8. Jangan lupa solat sunnat syukur selepas dibebaskan dan kembalilah bertemu dengan sahabat-sahabat seperjuangan.
9. Jangan menyepi dari perjuangan selepas melalui pengalaman ditangkap kerana itu secara semulajadi akan menyebabkan motivasi anda akan menjadi lemah dan anda akan rasa keseorangan.
10. Teruskan perjuangan bersama sahabat-sahabat lain.
11. Sesungguhnya anda akan rasa lebih hebat dan berani lagi selepas ditangkap kerana tidak semua orang berpeluang merasai apa yang anda lalui ketika ditahan.
1. Pihak kami tidak akan bertanggungjawab terhadap sebarang kesalahan atau pelanggaran undang-undang yang tidak ada kena mengena dengan perhimpunan ini.
2. Pihak kami tidak akan bertanggungjawab terhadap sebarang provokasi atau tindakan ganas yang dilakukan oleh mana-mana pihak secara berkumpulan atau individu.
3. Pihak kami tidak akan bertanggungjawab terhadap sebarang kecederaan yang disebabkan oleh kecuaian atau tindakan diluarkan arahan penganjur.
4. Pihak kami tidak akan bertanggungjawab ke atas sebarang penangkapan yang dibuat kerana pergaduhan atau aktiviti agreasif yang tiada kaitan dengan arahan himpunan ini
Secara keseluruhannya, kita berdoa semoga Perhimpunan ini dapat berjalan lancar tanpa adanya sebarang masalah atau tangkapan.
Kita berharap agar dengan sedikit usaha dan kehadiran kita ini akan dapat memberikan kesedaran kepada pihak Kerajaan dan memberikan laluan untuk Agong mempergunakan kuasa yang ada untuk memperbaiki kelemahan sistem perundangan negara kita.
Ingat, Himpunan Bersih dan PPSMI berjaya menyedarkan Kerajaan kerana kesungguhan rakyat. Maka, kini adalah masa untuk kita berjuang bersama untuk memansuhkan ISA.
Pastikan anda mengikuti arahan-arahan yang diberikan. Sebarang masalah anda boleh rujuk kepada Field Commander atau Unit Amal yang bertugas pada perhimpunan ini.
Ingatlah, peristiwa ini adalah peluang untuk anda sekali seumur hidup dan ianya akan kekal menjadi sejarah yang akan menjadi sebutan kepada anak cucu kita. Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk menjadi sebahagian dari sejarah ini.
1. 身份证、驾驶执照和一张ATM卡而已。
2. 最多携带100令吉。
3. 穿着礼貌大体,衣服红色/黑色-最好有废除内安法令的标志(logo)。
4. 所有参与者必须穿鞋子。
5. 宣传品-拥有废除内安法令的标志和口号的按钮、丝带、帽子、kopiah、 手带、小旗、布条和大字报 被允许。
6. 国旗或州旗。
7. 矿泉水、一点轻便食物或糖果。
8. 一点盐-重要和用来吃少许(不是涂在脸上)以恢复体力,尤其是在警察发射水或炮催泪弹(又称催泪瓦斯)时。
9. 湿手巾用来盖眼睛和鼻子以避免催泪弹气体。
10. 鼓励穿戴N100口罩( N100 Respirator)、 N95口罩(N95 Respirator)和外科口罩(Surgical facemask)以避免传染A(H1N1)和吸入过多的催泪弹气体。
11. 如果您患有哮喘或过敏症,请自行携带吸入器(inhaler)或药物。
12. 请携带小型垃圾袋以避免乱丢垃圾。
13. 请携带纸(mini note pad)笔 以抄下警察的名字和身份证号码或任何可疑事情。
14. 别忘记携带相机、录影机或可录影手机以记录下集会情况-照片或录影短片可在集会后电邮给废除内安法令联盟秘书的电邮enalini_ elumalai@。该电子邮拥有防垃圾邮件程序,您需要启用Javascript(Javascript enabled) 来观看记录和寄出。
1. 学生请勿携带学生证(kad matrik pelajar);政府和私人机构的员工请勿携带工作证。
2. 不要带太多的钱或信用卡以避免在集会时或被扣留时遭扒手、跌掉或遗失。
3. 不要穿暴露和不雅观的衣服。
4. 不要穿拖鞋、高跟鞋或凉鞋以让行动方便。
5. 不要穿裙,鼓励穿长裤。
6. 不要穿戴与废除内安法令无关的装饰品或配件。
7. 不要携带任何政党或团体的布条、大字报、旗子。
8. 任何无关废除内安法令运动的口号被禁止。
9. 不要携带任何尖锐物品,除了原子笔。
10. 不要携带可以爆炸或易燃的物品,如火柴、汽油弹(molotov cocktail)和炮竹。
11. 集会时不允许抽烟,因为这将影响他人。
12. 不要携带任何武器,如木柴、铁物、铁链、枪械及任何危险物品。
13. 携带孩子出席集会的父母不被允许携带貌似短枪、长枪或刀的玩具。
14. 不要携带十岁以下的孩童,以免出现不必要的麻烦。
1. 维修交通工具和检查需要携带的物品。
2. 不要在集会前吃和喝太多东西。
3. 确保您在集会前已经menunai 'hajat'。
4. 回教徒方面, 请履行solat taubat和hajat,盼上苍保佑该集会,非回教徒则按照各自仪式祷告。
5. 确保您已经锁好屋子,或者向没出席集会的家人或邻居交代重要事情。
6. 告诉他们您出去的目的。
7. 告诉他们与您在一起的朋友的电话号码,如果您的电话当时无法接通。
8. 别忘了为手机和相机充电。
9. 确保您在出门前要有意念(berniat)因为上苍(回教徒方面)。
10. 确保您知道集会的集合地点;Sogo, Masjid Jamek, atau Masjid Negara。
11. 确保您提早出门以避免塞车或买轻快铁/火车票时排长龙。
12. 集体出席,避免单独前往集会。
13.当您在前往吉隆坡市区的路程上遭到阻碍,您可以找地方停泊车子,然后步行到Sogo, Masjid Jamek, 或 Masjid Negara (不要直接单独前往国家皇宫) 。
14. 在集会开始前,不要先穿废除内安法令衣服。
1. 集合在规定地点(Sogo, Masjid Jamek, atau Masjid Negara)和等待被选为指挥官(也称战地指挥官Field Commander)的命令 。
2. 整个活动期间须跟从指挥官(Field Commander)或志工团(Unit Amal)的指令。在没有照会指挥官下,不要理会其他指示。
3. 不要离开集会地点,除了得到指挥官的指示。
4. 一旦发现可疑事物须向志工团报告。
5. 集会和游行期间不要推挤。
6. 在集会进行时,不要侮辱、骂粗话或作出不雅举动。
7. 和平及融洽的进行该集会。
8. 确保您给予交通工具优先使用公路以及不随意走在公路上。
9. 确保您给予出席集会的老人、残障人士和孩童优先,帮助和保护他们。
10. 请告诉您的朋友,如果您因急事或要上厕所而要离开集会,以避免其他麻烦。
11. 确保您坐着如果领袖在演讲。
12. 确保您没谈天如果领袖在演讲,因为众人的声音可以掩盖音响的声音。
13. 如果需要请跟着领袖的口号。
14. 游行时请拿着您的国旗或州旗。
15. 集会期间不要随地乱丢垃圾。把垃圾放进您携带的塑胶袋。
16. 别忘记携带相机、录影机或可录影手机以记录下集会情况-照片或录影短片可在集会后电邮给废除内安法令联盟秘书的电邮enalini_ elumalai@。该电子邮拥有防垃圾邮件程序,您需要启用Javascript(Javascript enabled) 来观看记录和寄出。
17. 如果可以,请录下警察的相貌或重要事情如暴力或有警察挑畔。
1. 确保您慢慢及和平的离开如果散会的指令被发出。
2. 当集会结束后,确保您的朋友或亲戚和您的孩子和您在一起。如果没有,请即刻前往回教党总部向志工团报告。
3. 如果有朋友或亲人被捕,请不要直接回家。请到回教党总部询问详情或前往有关警局要求释放他们。
4. 不要在集会场地留下任何垃圾。确保所有垃圾被丢去垃圾桶或带回家丢。
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1. 不需理会他们,保持安静和继续跟从志工队指挥官的命令。
2. 不需回应他们的挑畔,不要向他们丢任何东西,不需给予他们任何讯息。当着他们在当天并不存在。
3. 不要靠近他们。
4. 如果他们突然攻击,抵抗,不要殴打但是将他们交给警方。
5. 不要忘了向警察报警,如果您被他们致伤或骚扰。
6. 如果需要,录下他们的相貌。
1. 不要跑或离开集会,除非得到领袖的命令,如果您先离开,您会更容易被逮捕。
2. 如果警方要逮捕或发射水炮,不要单独,确保您手牵手和站密。
3. 坐着如果领袖给命令。
4. 如果催泪瓦斯被释放,请稍微弄湿手巾/面巾,然后盖在脸上。如果中黄色水炮,请用水清洗脸部和吃下少许盐。
5. 如果警察挑畔,不要反击或还嘴...只需要保持安静。
6. 如果来得及,请拍下他们的照片。
7. 如果您被暴力对待,请记得报警。
1. 不要和警察多说话。保持冷静和安静。
2. 询问逮捕您的警察名字和号码(nombor polis),以及问他,您被逮捕的原因(sebab anda ditahan)和条文(seksyen berapa yang digunakan) 。
3. 您只需要给名字、身份证号码和身份证上面的地址(berikan ikut alamat dalam IC sahaja).,如果被问到。
4. 如果他们问起工作,简单回答即可,不用给详细资料。
5. 如果您是学生,当他们问起您是否在读书( masih belajar atau tidak),您只需回答"Masih tengah cari kerja" 或者给其他合适的答案。避免承认你是学生。让他们自己查如果他们需要更多的资料。不要回答不需要的问题。
6. 如果您是政府员工,他们问起您的工作地方,您只需要回答”Saya kerja swasta atau kerja sendiri”。让他们自己去调查如果他们需要资料。不要回答不需要的问题。
7. 在还未录取口供前,告诉他们你要见律师。律师会在外面等您如果您被逮捕。
8. 如果可以,不用告诉他们太多,您只需回答"saya akan bagi keterangan di Mahkamah sahaja"。切记!您所在警察局回答的问题可以被作为呈堂证据。您有权不给警方任何详情,除了在法庭。
9. 当被扣留时,无需理会警察的挑畔或者心软如果面对警察的温和。
10. 确保您记得所有发生的事情,包括逮捕和向您调查的警官。
11. 无需太过担心,警局外会有人担保您和为您辩护。
1. 确保所有您的东西被警方归还。
2. 如果您有受伤,请到医院做健康检查。
3. 报警如果您在集会时或扣留时被粗暴对待。
4. 如果被警察虐待,告诉和拍摄下给律师和媒体。
5. 在回到家后,别忘了记录下您所记得的,以方便您在日后上法庭时。
6. 确保您记得您的担保人和涉及的律师,并拿下他们的联络号码。
7. 把所有您有的集会资料和照片交给律师以方便辩护
8. 被释放和回到战友的身边后,不要忘了solat sunnat syukur。
9. 经历被逮捕的经验后,不要从抗争奋斗中退出来,因为那只会使到你士气低落和觉得孤单。
10. 继续与朋友们一起奋斗。
11. 当您被逮捕过,您将会觉得您比以前更厉害和勇敢,因为不是每个人能够有机会经历您所经历的被逮捕。
1. 我们主办当局不会为任何犯法或与集会无关的违法行为负责。
2. 我们主办当局不会为任何集团或个人的挑畔或暴力行为负责。
3. 我们主办当局不会为疏忽或命令以外所造成的手上负责。
4. 我们主办当局不会为与集会命令无关的打架或极端行为而遭到的逮捕负责。
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Friday, July 31, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Comparison: Dr. Mahathir and Tengku Razaleigh
Normally, I try to avoid copy-paste, but we have been provoked by this Dr. Mamakdir to no end and hope more thinking Malaysians will read this from Malaysiakini (Master of divide and rule) and learn to discern which of these two elders are real statesman plus how to discern when the unscrupulous try to use racism to provoke:
'Mahathir's recent comments are clearly racist, revealing his true character, and I have lost every respect for this man who, in my opinion, has taken the nation to ransom.'
On Dr M, just stay retired
The Smaller Mamakdir: I wish to respond to the letter, 'Dr M, just stay retired'.
Contrast this to that other old veteran Ku Li, who is advocating greater racial and national unity through encouraging change and acceptance of a more egalitarian Malaysian society. On the other hand, Mahathir seeks to rejuvenate his waning influence through a divide-and-rule strategy.
Mahathir's recent comments are clearly racist, revealing his true character, and I have lost every respect for this man who, in my opinion, has taken the nation to ransom. Why should a man like him keep destablising the country when his projects like the crooked bridge are abandoned?
Always Malaysian: Some quarters argued that Dr M has honed his 'divide-and-rule' tactics into a perfect art. But this may no longer be effective with the emergence of the new and free media.
Nevertheless, the public needs to be educated and enlightened on how such a strategy is being employed from time to time, regardless of whether the ruling coalition or opposition partnership may be using it. This is part and parcel of further enhancing the democratic process in the country.
Will we see a series of articles on this issue in the foreseeable future on the local and even foreign case studies of this devious art of 'divide and rule', the modus operandi of its proponents, how to detect such its manifestation, how can the public combat this socio-political menace and avoid being divided to the nation's detriment, etc?
Exposure is needed so that the public will be better informed when making political choices through the ballot box.
Malaysia is not to be divided up and ruled!
Malaysia is for all Malaysians!
Ong: Maybe the MACC advisers are not resigning because they want to follow Tun Mahathir's example. For many years, Mahathir has been complaining that although he is the Petronas adviser, his advice is never sought, and when he takes the initiative to give advice, his unsolicited advice is ignored. These MACC advisers obviously remember Mahathir's slogan "Pimpinan Melalui Teladan".
However the MACC advisers cannot be compared to Mahathir if both of their work performance are evaluated. When Mahathir sees something in Petronas which he feels is not right, he takes the initiative and springs into action with his advice and criticisms despite that they are likely to be ignored.
All the MACC advisers may be a lot younger than Mahathir, but unfortunately they appear to be a lot more lethargic compared to him. Their eyesight are not so good. What the general public can see, these advisers cannot see. Their hearing are also impaired. They cannot hear the public pleas to them to start acting their roles as advisers and watchdogs. They only manage to hear when such pleas turn to shouts.
What a pity - if only these MACC advisers follow Mahathir's leadership by example. They do not also follow Mahathir's example of springing into action even though knowing that any such action is just for show.
On Cabinet approves royal commission
Disappointed: A royal commission has been approved by the cabinet to look into the cause of Teoh Beng Hock's death? No! It is only there to look into the MACC's interrogation methods.
So, who will look into Teoh's cause of death which is what Malaysians really want to know? The court-appointed magistrate's inquest findings will only represent the judgment of a single person instead of a team of people from the royal commission. There is something wrong somewhere!
GH Kok: In view of Teoh Beng Hock's death and the pattern of MACC assault on Selangor Pakatan Rakyat government prior to that, we also hear of mysterious attempts to sabotage the Penang state government through the Kampung Buah Pala issue.
The pattern is slowly emerging of an elaborate and systematic attempt to undermine the Pakatan state governments by unseen hands working through federal agencies and other parties.
There are also theories that Najib plans to call for a general election in 2010 and therefore the pressing need to undermine and weaken the Pakatan before calling for the election.
It seems that all available weapons are now being used against Pakatan. There seems to be no limits. It started with Perak and now the campaign is in full flight simultaneously in Penang, Selangor and Kedah.
In view of this assault, it appears that Teoh Beng Hock is but a collateral damage. How many more victims of this "war" are we going to see? We the rakyat of Malaysia must stand firm against this assault.
We must keep our eyes and ears open and not participate in questionable activities. We must report to the press (online press) any suspicious happenings in our area or in the course of our daily life. Let the light shine on all happenings in every nook and cranny of this country.
The federal civil servants, who are always suppressed and bullied by their political masters, may they too shed light on all such abuses of their agencies. Bring it all out into the open and let the whole world see the truth. Courage is needed for the price of democracy is eternal vigilance.
'Mahathir's recent comments are clearly racist, revealing his true character, and I have lost every respect for this man who, in my opinion, has taken the nation to ransom.'
On Dr M, just stay retired
The Smaller Mamakdir: I wish to respond to the letter, 'Dr M, just stay retired'.
Contrast this to that other old veteran Ku Li, who is advocating greater racial and national unity through encouraging change and acceptance of a more egalitarian Malaysian society. On the other hand, Mahathir seeks to rejuvenate his waning influence through a divide-and-rule strategy.
Mahathir's recent comments are clearly racist, revealing his true character, and I have lost every respect for this man who, in my opinion, has taken the nation to ransom. Why should a man like him keep destablising the country when his projects like the crooked bridge are abandoned?
Always Malaysian: Some quarters argued that Dr M has honed his 'divide-and-rule' tactics into a perfect art. But this may no longer be effective with the emergence of the new and free media.
Nevertheless, the public needs to be educated and enlightened on how such a strategy is being employed from time to time, regardless of whether the ruling coalition or opposition partnership may be using it. This is part and parcel of further enhancing the democratic process in the country.
Will we see a series of articles on this issue in the foreseeable future on the local and even foreign case studies of this devious art of 'divide and rule', the modus operandi of its proponents, how to detect such its manifestation, how can the public combat this socio-political menace and avoid being divided to the nation's detriment, etc?
Exposure is needed so that the public will be better informed when making political choices through the ballot box.
Malaysia is not to be divided up and ruled!
Malaysia is for all Malaysians!
Ong: Maybe the MACC advisers are not resigning because they want to follow Tun Mahathir's example. For many years, Mahathir has been complaining that although he is the Petronas adviser, his advice is never sought, and when he takes the initiative to give advice, his unsolicited advice is ignored. These MACC advisers obviously remember Mahathir's slogan "Pimpinan Melalui Teladan".
However the MACC advisers cannot be compared to Mahathir if both of their work performance are evaluated. When Mahathir sees something in Petronas which he feels is not right, he takes the initiative and springs into action with his advice and criticisms despite that they are likely to be ignored.
All the MACC advisers may be a lot younger than Mahathir, but unfortunately they appear to be a lot more lethargic compared to him. Their eyesight are not so good. What the general public can see, these advisers cannot see. Their hearing are also impaired. They cannot hear the public pleas to them to start acting their roles as advisers and watchdogs. They only manage to hear when such pleas turn to shouts.
What a pity - if only these MACC advisers follow Mahathir's leadership by example. They do not also follow Mahathir's example of springing into action even though knowing that any such action is just for show.
On Cabinet approves royal commission
Disappointed: A royal commission has been approved by the cabinet to look into the cause of Teoh Beng Hock's death? No! It is only there to look into the MACC's interrogation methods.
So, who will look into Teoh's cause of death which is what Malaysians really want to know? The court-appointed magistrate's inquest findings will only represent the judgment of a single person instead of a team of people from the royal commission. There is something wrong somewhere!
GH Kok: In view of Teoh Beng Hock's death and the pattern of MACC assault on Selangor Pakatan Rakyat government prior to that, we also hear of mysterious attempts to sabotage the Penang state government through the Kampung Buah Pala issue.
The pattern is slowly emerging of an elaborate and systematic attempt to undermine the Pakatan state governments by unseen hands working through federal agencies and other parties.
There are also theories that Najib plans to call for a general election in 2010 and therefore the pressing need to undermine and weaken the Pakatan before calling for the election.
It seems that all available weapons are now being used against Pakatan. There seems to be no limits. It started with Perak and now the campaign is in full flight simultaneously in Penang, Selangor and Kedah.
In view of this assault, it appears that Teoh Beng Hock is but a collateral damage. How many more victims of this "war" are we going to see? We the rakyat of Malaysia must stand firm against this assault.
We must keep our eyes and ears open and not participate in questionable activities. We must report to the press (online press) any suspicious happenings in our area or in the course of our daily life. Let the light shine on all happenings in every nook and cranny of this country.
The federal civil servants, who are always suppressed and bullied by their political masters, may they too shed light on all such abuses of their agencies. Bring it all out into the open and let the whole world see the truth. Courage is needed for the price of democracy is eternal vigilance.
Dr. Mahathir,
Tengku Razaleigh
Friday, July 24, 2009
MACC lied, claimed Lim Guan Eng
Last night at the Teoh Beng Hock Memorial Vigil, Lim Guan Eng accused MACC of lying regarding CCTV for the Selangor MACC office. Why questioned why the MACC office do not have CCTV, MACC claimed they only just shifted in a "short while" ago. Checks later turned out that MACC had actually shifted into its office at Plaza Masalam 2 years ago.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Teoh Beng Hock Memorial KL-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
It was full house and standing room only at the Teoh Beng Hock Memorial Vigil tonight at the KL-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall. Among the speaker was R. Sivarasa who spoke about the culture of impunity practiced by the current UMNO/BN government which was the reason why matters in Malaysia has sunk to such low scandalous levels. The culture of impunity is the what is being practiced now in many enforcement agencies whereby they are free to do illegal things and are being protected by the UMNO/BN government. The only cure for this is to kick out the arrogant UMNO/BN government from Putrajaya (Federal power) and let a new Pakatan Rakyat Federal government to introduce reforms.
A Teoh Beng Hock Trust Fund to take care of Teoh Beng Hock's unborn child was also launched and those present gave generously. The most generous was Tan Sri Robert Phang (picture) who donated RM50,000.

Corruption Consultation and Prevention Panel member Robert Phang
THE late Teoh Beng Hock’s fiancee Soh Cher Wei was also present at the memorial. She came up to the stage to pledge to take good care of Teoh Beng Hock's unborn child (picture):

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Custodial death in Malaysia
Last year in Parliament, Wan Ahmad Farid, then deputy home minister, told the Dewan Rakyat that there were 1,535 deaths in prisons, rehabilitation centres and detention centres between 2003 and 2007, averaging 383.75 deaths per year. That is 383.75/365 = 1.05 deaths per day, slightly more that 1 custodial deaths per day. It means in Malaysia there is someone dieing everyday. That is too much.
Meanwhile, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the former prime minister, admitted that 108 persons died in police custody between 2000 and 2006, the majority of whom were Indians.
Meanwhile, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the former prime minister, admitted that 108 persons died in police custody between 2000 and 2006, the majority of whom were Indians.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Teoh Beng Hock murder - MACC downfall
MACC Officer: We already have the fabricated documents to prove Khalid Ibrahim guilty. We will surround Khalid Ibrahim at his home like how we arrest Anwar Ibrahim.
Ahmad Said Hamdan: Yes, and we have made the boy confess that the Selangor Government misappropriate the government allocations.
MACC Officer: Err... Sir...Er... The boy didn't agree to sign the false statement, our man throw him out of the building after some struggling with him
Ahmad Said Hamdan: All of you who were not in the room when the interrogation took place. Leave now!
(all except 3 left)
Ahmad Said Hamdan: Why the hell did our man throw him out? We have planned to topple the Selangor Government for more than a year. Doesn't he know that this will ruin our plan to topple Pakatan Selangor? We have circulated the Exco nude photo, fabricated the documents to nail the MB and now the whole plan is ruined. Someone will find out that we throw the boy out of the building and that is the end of us.
MACC Officer: Sir, we will cover it up just like the Kugan case.
Ahmad Said Hamdan: Cover up my foot, the body was found under our building.
MACC Officer: Sir, we can make up the story that he committed suicide.
Ahmad Said Hamdan: No way people will believe he committed suicide, he is going to get married tomorrow. And his fiancee was pregnant for 2 months, there is no reason for people to believe he jumped down. Najib has planned this for so long and you bloody guys threw him out of the building and made a big mess. Why can't you guys do a simple job? Interrogate him and make him sign the false statement, is that too difficult? In 1998, the police forced Sukma sign a false statement to charge Anwar. Why can't MACC make the poor boy sign the false statement? Najib will be furious with this development. He will have a tough time to answer the public. Najib will stop funding us. Who is going to pay our salary? Do you think Pakatan Rakyat will fund us? They don't bloody hell have money.
MACC Office: Don't worry, we still have Khir Toyo.
Ahmad Said Hamdan: We might as well tell people the truth. Lim Kit Siang is flying here tomorrow. First flight of the day. Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng and Khalid will be here too. There will be a huge demonstration. Tell Hishamuddin to send the FRU here first thing in the morning. We are screwed.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Justice for Teoh Beng Hock at Stadium Kelana Jaya

19 July (Sunday)
4.30 pm: Justice for Beng Hock Solidarity Gathering (organized by Selangor state government)
Stadium Kelana Jaya
Please come join us in full force to show the corrupt and useless BN government that we are serious in wanting a better Malaysia.
Location Map for Kelana Jaya Stadium
Click to enlarge:For those taking public transport, take the Kelana Jaya LRT line, get off at Kelana Jaya. I believe there is a feeder buss to the Kelana Jaya stadium as I have seen buses passing by before.
A commentator at Lim Kit Siang's blog to take the feeder bus from the Taman Bahagia LRT station. I believe that is an error as I often take feeder bus at Taman Bahagia LRT station and the feeder buses there are T625 which goes to Kelana Jaya Giant, FAM and SS3, and T626 which goes to Damansara Jaya, Damansara Utama and SS2. I have never seen any bus going to the Kelana Jaya stadium from Taman Bahagia LRT station.
Other events to press for justice for Teo Beng Hock
20 July (Monday)
10 am: Funeral Beng Hock’s family home, Alor Gajah
21 July (Tuesday)
10 am: Memorandum to Prime Minister to demand for Royal Commission of Inquiry (Pakatan Youth Wings)
PM’s Office, Putrajaya
21 July (Tuesday)
8 pm: Justice for Beng Hock Solidarity Gathering Kompleks Masyarakat Penyayang, Jalan Utama, Penang
22 July (Wednesday)
8 pm: Justice for Beng Hock Solidarity Gathering Malacca DAP Headquarter
23 July (Thursday)
8 pm: Justice for Beng Hock Solidarity Gathering Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, KL
Monday, July 6, 2009
Judge BN Najib by action?
Najib Abdul Razak has made some noise pleasant to the ears plus has gone on to action in liberalization of previous restrictive sectors and policies. A visitor made a remark - Najib not bad eh?
My response. Yes perhaps we should judge by Najib's action and not the dismal picture that some Malaysians have painted of him. However, actions are relatively easy to change and to fake, but I think we still have to try to look deep into the person, his character. A person's character is not as easy to change as action and anyone previously associated with the corrupt UMNO/Barisan will likely have a flawed character and we should be watchful and careful not to be deluded by a few shallow moves to right past wrongs.
My response. Yes perhaps we should judge by Najib's action and not the dismal picture that some Malaysians have painted of him. However, actions are relatively easy to change and to fake, but I think we still have to try to look deep into the person, his character. A person's character is not as easy to change as action and anyone previously associated with the corrupt UMNO/Barisan will likely have a flawed character and we should be watchful and careful not to be deluded by a few shallow moves to right past wrongs.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Job function of a Member of Parliament
I will first use a commercial or industrial corporation as an example as that is what most people can relate to the easiest.
Each job has its function, or job description or whatever you call it. Essentially, it defines what each person holding the job is supposed to do. A janitor's job function is just to keep a place clean and tidy and no more. At the other end is a member of a board of director whose duties are to attend board of directors meetings, discuss, make policy and other very important decisions, and set the direction in which the company is to go. These decisions made by the board of directors are very important and can either set a company to great success or send it to bankruptcy. Because their job function is so important, they are normally very highly paid. A member of board of directors does not stoop down so low as to go do the job of a janitor. They have different job functions.
Similarly, Members or Parliament are like members of the board of directors of a very huge company. In this case, the company is the country. What they do in the Parliament can make a country great or send it down the gutters. Their most important job is in the Parliament, not taking care of clogged drains and pot holes. These are jobs for the City Halls or Municipality Councils. These are important, but more important are crucial issues that affect the future of the country. These matters can only be settled in the Parliament.
One more important thing. When a Member of Parliament first enters the Parliament, he or she has to make an oath to uphold, defend and preserve the Constitution. The Constitution of a country is its supreme law and is a sacred document. It is not meant to be amended just so someone, for example, the Chairman of an Election Commission, can continue to serve another term.
Now in this coming election, when you cast your vote, you must keep these in mind. You must see if the candidate, if he or she was the former Member of Parliament, have he or she fulfilled that most important job function and have uphold, defend and preserve the Constitution, something which he or she had taken an oath to do. For greater details, refer to Interview with Billi Lim, independent candidate for Kelana Jaya (click BACK button to get back to this page). How many times our Constitution had been amended was discussed in that post. In another post Haris Ibrahim's speech at the SS2 Petaling Jaya ceramah (click BACK button to get back to this page), Haris said "BN (Barisan Nasional) has been dismantling our document (Constitution) systematically. In the process, taken away our rights. In the process, taking away our Constitutional Institutions.
The statement below was taken from PJ Utara: A choice between local service and parliamentary voice:
Chew (Chew Mei Fun) remains unperturbed by Opposition claims that she is more concerned about drains than speaking up on her constituents’ behalf in parliament. “They can say things which sound very ideal but in the end can they deliver?” she says. “I believe that with hard work and my track record, I have set a strong foundation and the support for me is there.”
The question we need to ask ourselves is, what Chew Mei Fun did when all those bills to amend the Constitution were tabled at the Parliament. Did she take into the consideration of whether her Constituent wants it? What about the future of the country? Deliver? Deliver what? Do we want better roads and drains or a better future for the country? Roads and drains can only last so long. What happens after that? Malaysia had been blessed with oil and plantations and thus had been cushioned from the flawed policies that can bring ruin to the economy. What happens when we run out of oil? I asked this to a person who claimed to be an assistant of our caretaker Deputy Prime Minister. His answer - "we will cross the bridge when we come to it." Can we afford that? Is that the way to run a country. Solve a problem only when we are faced with it? Is not wiser to take that into account when we make long term plans for the country?
The Barisan Members of Parliament are all allocated millions of ringgits to spend on their Constituent. The opposition Members of Parliament are given none. Is that fair?
We have to ask ourselves, which is more important - the future of the country, the reputation and independence of the Judiciary, or the roads and drains? When we have a problem which can only be solved in the court, we want to go to a court where we have confidence the judge's decision will be based on the Constitution and on the law. Do we have that? I do not know. But I have heard that when foreign investors draw up contracts, they specify that disputes should be settled in Singapore or United Kingdom. True or not I do not know. You will have to do your own research.
Think very hard these few days before polling date when we cast our vote. Vote for the candidate who will uphold, defend and preserve our Constitution and not let it be amended to suit the political situation.
Each job has its function, or job description or whatever you call it. Essentially, it defines what each person holding the job is supposed to do. A janitor's job function is just to keep a place clean and tidy and no more. At the other end is a member of a board of director whose duties are to attend board of directors meetings, discuss, make policy and other very important decisions, and set the direction in which the company is to go. These decisions made by the board of directors are very important and can either set a company to great success or send it to bankruptcy. Because their job function is so important, they are normally very highly paid. A member of board of directors does not stoop down so low as to go do the job of a janitor. They have different job functions.
Similarly, Members or Parliament are like members of the board of directors of a very huge company. In this case, the company is the country. What they do in the Parliament can make a country great or send it down the gutters. Their most important job is in the Parliament, not taking care of clogged drains and pot holes. These are jobs for the City Halls or Municipality Councils. These are important, but more important are crucial issues that affect the future of the country. These matters can only be settled in the Parliament.
One more important thing. When a Member of Parliament first enters the Parliament, he or she has to make an oath to uphold, defend and preserve the Constitution. The Constitution of a country is its supreme law and is a sacred document. It is not meant to be amended just so someone, for example, the Chairman of an Election Commission, can continue to serve another term.
Now in this coming election, when you cast your vote, you must keep these in mind. You must see if the candidate, if he or she was the former Member of Parliament, have he or she fulfilled that most important job function and have uphold, defend and preserve the Constitution, something which he or she had taken an oath to do. For greater details, refer to Interview with Billi Lim, independent candidate for Kelana Jaya (click BACK button to get back to this page). How many times our Constitution had been amended was discussed in that post. In another post Haris Ibrahim's speech at the SS2 Petaling Jaya ceramah (click BACK button to get back to this page), Haris said "BN (Barisan Nasional) has been dismantling our document (Constitution) systematically. In the process, taken away our rights. In the process, taking away our Constitutional Institutions.
The statement below was taken from PJ Utara: A choice between local service and parliamentary voice:
Chew (Chew Mei Fun) remains unperturbed by Opposition claims that she is more concerned about drains than speaking up on her constituents’ behalf in parliament. “They can say things which sound very ideal but in the end can they deliver?” she says. “I believe that with hard work and my track record, I have set a strong foundation and the support for me is there.”
The question we need to ask ourselves is, what Chew Mei Fun did when all those bills to amend the Constitution were tabled at the Parliament. Did she take into the consideration of whether her Constituent wants it? What about the future of the country? Deliver? Deliver what? Do we want better roads and drains or a better future for the country? Roads and drains can only last so long. What happens after that? Malaysia had been blessed with oil and plantations and thus had been cushioned from the flawed policies that can bring ruin to the economy. What happens when we run out of oil? I asked this to a person who claimed to be an assistant of our caretaker Deputy Prime Minister. His answer - "we will cross the bridge when we come to it." Can we afford that? Is that the way to run a country. Solve a problem only when we are faced with it? Is not wiser to take that into account when we make long term plans for the country?
The Barisan Members of Parliament are all allocated millions of ringgits to spend on their Constituent. The opposition Members of Parliament are given none. Is that fair?
We have to ask ourselves, which is more important - the future of the country, the reputation and independence of the Judiciary, or the roads and drains? When we have a problem which can only be solved in the court, we want to go to a court where we have confidence the judge's decision will be based on the Constitution and on the law. Do we have that? I do not know. But I have heard that when foreign investors draw up contracts, they specify that disputes should be settled in Singapore or United Kingdom. True or not I do not know. You will have to do your own research.
Think very hard these few days before polling date when we cast our vote. Vote for the candidate who will uphold, defend and preserve our Constitution and not let it be amended to suit the political situation.
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