Oleh Clara Chooi, Jun 5, 2010 (Rencana dalam Bahasa Inggeris)
Satu watak keras tidak mewakili semua kumpulan, kata Rafidah. - (Gambar oleh Choy Choo Mei (Gambar hakmilik Malaysian Insider)
KUALA LUMPUR, 3 Jun - Bekas Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Perindustriam Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz mendesak Bumiputeras untuk fokus pada aspek pertumbuhan dalam Model Ekonomi Baru (NEM) bukan mengomel tentang agenda peribadi mereka sendiri.
Menyanjung NEM sebagai cara maju (betul) bagi Malaysia untuk mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi, Rafidah menunjukkan bahawa kumpulan yang menentang inisiatif hanya menjadi "kontra-produktif" dan berfikiran sempit.
"Kumpulan seperti Perkasa, mereka hanya memandang NEM melalui satu perspektif. Mereka menganggap itu sebagai hak mereka untuk mengemukakan pandangan mereka yang cuma "seharga dua sen" tetapi ini boleh menjadi kontra-produktif.
"Saya seorang Bumiputera juga, tetapi pertama dan yang paling penting, saya percaya kita perlu untuk mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi terlebih dahulu sebelum kita mulai mengomel tentang agenda Bumiputera," kata dia kepada The Insider Malaysia dalam sebuah wawancara baru-baru ini.
Ahli Parliament Kuala Kangsar mengatakan bahawa kalau pertumbuhan ekonomi dicapai dahulu, kerajaan kemudian boleh melihat bagaimana menyesuaikan agenda Bumiputera dan agenda kumpulan lain di dalam NEM serta orang-orang miskin dan bukan-Bumiputeras.
"Akhirnya, kami tidak boleh mencapai pertumbuhan tanpa pengagihan. Bagi saya, di mana-mana negara, pertumbuhan ekonomi harus dicapai dahulu sebelum boleh mencapai distribusi yang merata (adil), ia harus datang dicapai dengan minimalisasi ketidakadilan, "katanya.
Rafidah berkata bahawa di Malaysia, adanya ketimpangan yang paling mencolok adalah ketidaksamaan antara Bumiputeras dan bukan-Bumiputeras.
"Ia (ketidaksamaan) akan tetap masih ada untuk sementara. Walau bagaimana pun jika pertumbuhan ekonomi yang kita menjangkakan terjadi pada tahun 2020 tidak menggabungkan minimalisasi ketidakadilan, maka dijanjikan bahawa kami akan merangkumi agenda Bumiputera" katanya.
Rafidah Aziz yang veteran politik (yang lama terlibat politik) mengatakan pandangan riuh-rendah berbantah dari Ibrahim Ali (Perkasa) bukan pandangan semua orang Melayu. Rafidah menambah, bagaimanapun, bahawa perbezaan pendapat gencar datang dari kumpulan-kumpulan seperti Kuasa tidak mencerminkan pandangan dari semua Melayu.
"Ini hanya kerana media memberikan liputan (publicity) untuk seorang sahaja. Jika anda berbincang dengan mereka dari Perkasa, saya yakin anda akan menemui bahawa tidak semua dari mereka berkongsi pandangan yang sama sebagai presiden mereka (Datuk Ibrahim Ali).
"Ibrahim Ali hanya seorang. Tidak semua kongsi (sama) pandangan dengan para pemimpin mereka" katanya.
Dia mengatakan bahawa dalam setiap masyarakat atau kumpulan, memang ada beberapa "ultras" yang ada agenda mereka sendiri dan motif peribadi.
"Tapi kau harus merasionalisasi. Jangan hanya menyoroti (menyorotan atau highlight) kata-kata orang-orang yang tidak mencerminkan pandangan majoriti. Selalu ada nuansa yang berbeza pandangan (different shades of views).
"Kadang-kadang saya percaya bahawa jika anda tidak memberikan liputan media (publisiti atau publicity) kepada siapapun di dunia ini, kita akan hidup di dunia dengan bahagia," katanya.
Rafidah juga mendesak syarikat-syarikat tempatan untuk sedia mengatasi kemerosotan ekonomi yang akan berlaku masa depan untuk membantu negara mencapai sasaran (matlamat) negara untuk mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi sebanyak tujuh peratusan (7%).
"Mereka harus cukup kuat untuk menghadapi cuaca badai (buruk). Seperti saat-saat yang sesuai, mereka harus memangkas lemak (trim fat), lebih gesit untuk menghadapi perubahan, mencari pasaran baru dan sebagainya.
"Salah satu sumber kekuatan harus untuk sekurang-kurangnya dapat mempertahankan diri mereka sendiri," katanya.
Dia juga mendesak pemuda-pemuda untuk mengembangkan diri dengan seperangkat "multi-cabang" kemahiran dan pengetahuan (dengan serba-kemahiran dan serba-ketahunan).
"Sistem pendidikan kami tidak boleh kekal dengan cara yang lama. Kita tidak boleh meneruskan dengan hanya mencoret A, B, dan C dalam peperiksaan (ujian objektif atau objective test).
"Apa yang kita perlukan adalah membangun kemahiran pemuda kita dengan kemahiran komunikasi kerana saya tahu bahawa perniagaan kini memerlukan orang-orang dengan serba-kemahiran dan mereka yang boleh dengan mudah menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran baru," katanya.
Full English text
from Malaysian Insider: Focus on growth first, Rafidah tells Bumiputeras:KUALA LUMPUR, June 3 — Former international trade and industry minister Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz has urged Bumiputeras to focus on the growth aspect in the New Economic Model (NEM) instead of harping on their own personal agenda.
Lauding the NEM as the way forward for Malaysia to achieve economic growth, Rafidah pointed out that groups that opposed the initiative were only being “counter-productive” and narrow-minded.
“Groups like Perkasa, they are only looking at the NEM through one perspective. They regard it as their right to put their two cents’ worth forward but this can be counter-productive.
“I am a Bumiputera, too, but first and most importantly, I believe we need to achieve growth first before we begin harping about the Bumiputera agenda,” she told The Malaysian Insider in an interview recently.
The Kuala Kangsar MP pointed out that once growth was achieved, the government could then look at how to fit the Bumiputera agenda and the agendas of other groups within it, like that of the poor and the non-Bumiputeras.
“After all, you cannot have growth without distribution. To me, in any country, growth must then come with equitable distribution, it must come with the minimisation of inequities,” she said.
Rafidah said that in Malaysia, the most glaring inequity was the disparities between the Bumiputeras and the non-Bumiputeras.
“It will still exist for a while now still. However, if the growth that we envisage to happen in the year 2020 does incorporate the minimisation of inequities, then it is guaranteed that it will include the Bumiputera agenda,” she said.
The veteran politician said there will be those in Perkasa who did not share Ibrahim’s views. — file pic
Rafidah added, however, that the vociferous dissent coming from groups like Perkasa did not reflect the views of all Malays.
“It is just that the media gives coverage to one person. If you speak to all in Perkasa, I am sure you would find that not all of them share the same view as their president (Datuk Ibrahim Ali).
“Ibrahim Ali is just one man. Not everyone shares the views of their leaders,” she said.
She said that in any society or group, there would always be some “ultras” who had their own personal agendas and motives.
“But you must rationalise. Do not just highlight the words of the ones who do not reflect the views of the majority. There are always different shades of views.
“Sometimes I believe that if you do not give media coverage to anyone in this world, we would be living in a happier world,” she said.
Rafidah also urged local companies to be ready to ride out possible economic downturns of the future in order to help the country achieve its seven per cent growth target.
“They need to be strong enough to weather the storm. Like during appropriate times, they need to trim the fat, be more agile to changes, find new markets and so on.
“One source of strength is to at least be able to maintain themselves,” she said.
She also urged today’s youths to develop themselves with a “multi-pronged” skill set and knowledge.
“The education system cannot go the same way as that of the past. We cannot move on with just crossing out A, B, and C in examinations.
“What we need to is build up on our youths’ communications skills because I know that businesses today require people with multi-skills and those who are able to quickly adapt to new environments,” she said.
Yes, 100% of zero is 0.
Look the rehabilated is talking now everybody please listen... keep your advice to yourself podah lu
It is truly amazing that this is a view coming from Rafidah. The true question is does she mean what she says? Even if she means it, I think this is too little and too late. Confidence in the BN/UMNO coalition is lost. The Non-Malays are taking their assets out of Malaysia in one form or another, and will continue to do so. The wealth from these communities are leaving the country, and as such it will make recovery and growth envisage by the BN govt. very difficult. The wealth of our former Prime Ministers family is insufficient to stimulate growth, in any event they would not be prepared to do so as this would prove that they have plundered the nation. BN will need to garner the confidence of all in Malaysia before growth and stimulus will work. BN has completely failed Malaysians and Malaysia. I hope I am wrong and would be more than happy to be wrong, but there are many people I know that are leaving the country of my birth and taking their wealth with them. I had no idea of the scale until one of my visits to a seminar in London out of curiosity and to meet fellow Malaysian abroad. This is indeed truly a shame. I have investments in Malaysia and for 8 years growth is not achievable due to the difficult practices of certain government agencies and in this global economic crisis, it makes it a lot more difficult. I will endeavor to do my part with helping growth and investment, but I can only do so much, and this is not just me talking although a lot of my Malaysian friends are saying that I am either a fool or is patriotic, well I am a little of both because I do not wish to see my country declared a failed state which it is gradually becoming from an international perspective. It carries such a stigma and I believe the people and the govt. have no idea what a 'failed state' means. In todays global market we cannot exist as a single entity, but together with other nations we can be strong and prosperous. Malaysia have a lot of talents unfortunately most of them resides outside of Malaysia, thus the growth in Malaysia envisaged by Rafidah will be very difficult.
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