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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

UMNO stand for UM No reforms

To make it clearer, let us put it in a more dramatic manner - UMNO means UMmmmm NO reforms.

The President of UMNO plus current Prime Minister of Malaysia said, "we got your message." Have they? Many doubt it. Look at what has transpired so far. What did the new Tourism Minister Azalina do on taking office? Cut off Tourism fund to state controlled tourism body in Pakatan Rakyat ruled states. What did the new Minister of Rural and Regional Development did on taking office? Redirect funds away from Pakatan Rakyat ruled state bodies and planning to channel them via Malaysia Federal Government direct to previous village heads who have resigned as village heads. They will be given some kind of Federal posts instead. Can't remember the rest, but these 2 are enough to bring our blood to a boil again. These are the kind of actions that aroused the Malaysians to stand up and be counted in the recent election and are being repeated again. What will Malaysians do if this continue? I don't know about you. I know what I will do.

Did they get message? Someone did get the messages. But it is the wrong person. It is me who got the messages. AGAIN! Same old story.

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