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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Toward a more ethical media

Forum: Ke arah media yang lebih beretika (Toward a more ethical media)

Ahli ketiga panel ialah Abdul Jalil Ali, Penasihat Eksekutif Editorial
Kumpulan Media Karangkraf.

Terima kasih,
Siew Eng
Pegawai program CIJ

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Bulan Mei ialah bulan kebebasan akhbar.

Kebebasan akhbar bermaksud keupayaan suratkhabar dan wartawan untuk melapor
secara bebas mengenai sebarang peristiwa atau isu, berlandaskan etika dan
prinsip kewartawanan.

Tetapi bagaimana pula jika etika dan prinsip tidak diikut? Bagaimankah kita
menangani media yang tidak beretika?

Untuk mengetahui pelbagai pandangan mengenai penyelesaian kepada masalah
ini, di samping menyentuh isu berkait - yakni had kebebasan media di
Malaysia - Pusat Kewartawanan Bebas dan Majlis Peguam Malaysia akan
menganjurkan satu forum awam dwibahasa bertajuk, *"Ke arah media yang lebih
beretika - bagaimana mencapainya? "*

*Masa: 18 Mei (Rabu); 6 petang*
*Tempat: Auditorium, Bangunan Majlis Peguam, Kuala Lumpur*
13, 15 & 17 Leboh Pasar Besar
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 03-20313003

- *Abdul Jalil Ali, Penasihat Eksekutif Editorial, Kumpulan Media
- *Sharaad Kuttan, pensyarah kewartawanan, kolumnis, Felo Asian Public
- *Wong Chin Huat, pensyarah kewartawanan, kolumnis*

*Moderator: Andrew Khoo, Ketua Jawatankuasa Hak Asasi Manusia Majlis Peguam

Orang ramai dialu-alukan datang untuk mendengar pembentangan ahli panel dan
memberi pandangan sendiri mengenai isu ini.

*Maklumat lanjut: Siew Eng, pegawai program Pusat Kewartawanan Bebas, 016
379 5901*

************ ***

May is the month for press freedom.

Press freedom is the ability of newspapers and journalists to freely report
any event or issue, in accordance with the ethics and principles of

But what happens when the ethics and principles are not adhered to? How
should we deal with unethical media?

To find out the different views on how to approach this problem as well as
explore the attendant issue of the limits of media freedom in
Malaysia, theCentre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) and
the Bar Council of Malaysia will be organising a bilingual Malay-English
public forum titled, *"Toward a more ethical media". *
Date/Time: 18 May (Wednesday); 6pm
Place: Auditorium, Bar Council
- *Abdul Jalil Ali, Editorial Executive Adviser, Kumpulan Media
- *Sharaad Kuttan, journalism lecturer, columnist, Asian Public
Intellectual Fellow*
- *Wong Chin Huat, journalism lecturer, columnist *

Come hear what our panellists think, and have your say, too.

*Details: Siew Eng, CIJ programme officer, 016 379 5901*

Centre for Independent Journalism Malaysia
Web: cijmalaysia. org
Tel: +603-4023 0772
Twitter: CIJ_Malaysia
Facebook: Centre for Independent Journalism
Blogs: http://worldpressfr eedomday. blogspot. com/;
http://right2info. wordpress. com/

The Centre for Independent Journalism, Malaysia (CIJ) is a non-profit
organisation that aspires for a society that is democratic, just and free,
where all peoples will enjoy free media and the freedom to express, seek and
impart information.

If you cannot express yourself you are already behind bars - Mbana Kaitako

Location map & GPS Coords

Bar Council Malaysia
13, 15 & 17 Leboh Pasar Besar
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 03-20313003
GPS Coords: (3.1466866143456196, 101.69546127319336)
Location map:

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